One of the most beloved FPS series from the late 1990s, Turok is back with a new spin on the dinosaur franchise—the first new release since a 2008 reboot. Saber Interactive unveiled Turok: Origins with a full trailer at The Game Awards 2024.
The one-minute teaser, featuring stunning realistic art, pulls us back into the world that fans already know and love. It introduced the main new feature: multiplayer mode.
Turok, a character originally from the comic book series of the same name, is a Native American warrior who suddenly finds himself isolated in a dinosaur land. Over the years, his challenges and enemies in the comics have changed from simply dinosaurs (“simply” being a loose definition here, of course) to aliens and new dimensions.
His first appearance in the video game world was with Turok: Dinosaur Hunter, an FPS developed for PC and Nintendo 64 and released in 1997. Since then, every title in the series has also been an FPS. The latest release (excluding reboots) came out over 20 years ago.
This time, in a series twist, players can join their friends on the hunt for ferocious beasts and alien threats, exploring various dangerous worlds. While the details of how this will play out are still a little vague, the trailer is more than enough to get fans excited about the new release.
No release date or window has been released yet, but you can already wishlist the game on PlayStation 5, Steam, and Xbox Series X|S.
Published: Dec 12, 2024 10:23 pm