The first season of the Fallout television series, which aired on Amazon Prime, has been such a roaring success that it’s already earned a season two renewal. The new season will feature the three main protagonists—Lucy MacLean, The Ghoul, and Maximus—on their next wasteland adventures after a cliffhanger of a first season.
The Fallout series on Amazon Prime has been phenomenal, nearly instantly kicking up hype around the internet. In fact, over 1.5 million households have already watched the debut episode in the first five days since it aired on Amazon Prime on April 11, according to new reports from television data analysis company SambaTV.
The incredible early buzz meant there was little surprise when Amazon revealed on X (formerly Twitter) on April 19 that Fallout has been renewed for a second season. The renewal was immediately met with cheers and praise from gamers and the growing show fandom, with many fans admitting they “can’t wait for season two.”
While Amazon did lock in another season of Fallout, the streaming giant didn’t give any real clue about the official release date of the now-impending follow-up episodes.
We don’t know much about what season two will entail plot-wise yet either. However, given how season one ended, we expect Maximus will question his ties to the Brotherhood of Steel, Lucy and The Ghoul will chase after Hank for answers, and we could even see a New Vegas setting, new factions, and potentially new monsters.
The game adaption not only embraced and enhanced the dark humor, intricate world, and lore found within the franchise but also gave life to a nostalgic world in a new and exciting story. While the series’ success can be attributed to worldbuilding, narrative, and nostalgia, something has to be said for the main cast, including Walton Goggins, who viewers dubbed a “nation treasure” due to his incredible acting and fantastic one-liners. Hopefully, this level of acting, storytelling, and worldbuilding will continue in Fallout‘s sophomore season because, as one fan put it, “this is easily one of the best shows in a long time.”
Fallout is one of Bethesda’s most iconic and nostalgic series, and with all the Easter eggs throughout the first season, season two can’t come fast enough.
Published: Apr 18, 2024 07:16 pm