One of the first trophies you can get in Astro Bot has you picking a fight with your fellow Bots, all in the name of that sweet bronze reward.
The trophy, called KO!, tasks you with finding two specific Bots across all the worlds so you can pick a fight with them. Finding the duo isn’t that difficult as they are both available early on, though they are locked behind secret levels only found in the overworld.
How to complete the KO! trophy in Astro Bot
How to find two street fighting warriors in Astro Bot
As the name suggests, you need to find two Street Fighter Bot characters in Astro Bot: Ryu and Ken.
These Bots are locked behind secret levels in the Gorilla Nebula and Tentacle System. You can’t unlock either until you have beaten the boss in these worlds. After you beat the bosses, asteroids start to spawn around both worlds. If you break one of them with Astro’s ship, the two levels you need will unlock.
These levels are called Retro Rampage, and completing both unlocks the Ryu and Ken Bots for Crash Site. Both are mini combat-orientated levels that see you battling a few retro pixelated enemies until the course is clear. It’s really easy, so you shouldn’t have much trouble with either.
How to pick a fight with two street fighting warriors in Astro Bot
Initially, I tried hitting the Bots individually, then simultaneously, and then I tried to stand between them during their animations, but the trophy did not pop up. Instead, what got the trophy to pop was hitting Ken and then waiting for him to uppercut Ryu before smacking Ryu mid-fight. The trophy unlocked, and it appears to be more about you joining the fight than taking a hit. Essentially, tag team against one or the other mid-animation.
Published: Sep 6, 2024 09:00 am