While Armored Core 6 is all about versatility and adapting, there are always some exceptions, especially when it comes to picking the best weaponry.
In general, one of the main themes of the game is switching out parts on your AC to adapt to the challenge at hand. Sometimes, you may need durability. Other times, you may need speed. What you will always need, though, is a solid arsenal.
Not all weapons are created equal in Armored Core 6. While most have their uses in some scenario or another, there are some that just have “main character energy”—they’re just better. They have better damage, better range, better versatility—you get the picture.
Here are the best weapons in Armored Core 6 at this time, ranked.
5) Iridium Grenade Launcher—Arm weapon

Sometimes, big things come in small packages. The Iridium Grenade Launcher is in a totally unique spot in Armored Core 6. It is among the lightest hand weapons in the game and also among the hardest-hitting.
If you keep a decent, versatile weapon in your right hand, there is almost no reason not to rock the Iridium in your left. It has a very fast projectile speed, great damage, and tons of Impact. Because it is so light, you can fit it into any build as well. The usual trade-off you make with lightweight ACs is a lack of attack power, but this little guy fixes that.
The Iridium is so light that it might as well be a handgun, and yet it hits like a shoulder weapon. Landing a hit from this grenade launcher is almost a guaranteed Stagger. And because it’s so light, it has fantastic Target Assist and tracking, so you shouldn’t have any problems landing your shots with it.
4) Songbird Grenade Cannon—Shoulder weapon

Not only does this thing have a totally rad name, but it also dishes out devastating damage. The Songbird launches two grenades at an extremely fast speed—each of which deals as much damage as the average total damage of all missiles in a pod. In short, it’s awesome.
The Songbird has some versatility, and I myself am still finding out how I like to use it best. On the one hand, nailing an opponent with this bad boy is almost certainly going to Stagger them. On the other hand, Direct Hitting a Staggered opponent with the Songbird deals massive damage.
Having options like this is something you should always look for in your weapons in Armored Core 6. The game is extremely dynamic, and you don’t want to be using weapons that only excel at a certain thing in a certain scenario. If you’re up against a slow target, great. Open with the Songbird. If your target is extremely fast and agile, Stagger them with other weapons, and then blast them into next Thursday with the Songbird.
3) Pile Bunker—Left arm weapon

You know when you’re frustrated and wish you could somehow reach through your screen and just slap a boss around a little bit? This is as close as you can get.
The Pile Bunker has a great lunge for closing distances and hits like a train even when it’s not charged. That’s right, you can charge it. At full charge, it does about 5,000 damage. In other words, it does the most single-hit damage in Armored Core 6 by a long shot.
Keep this thing on your left hand and make sure your other three weapon slots can reliably Stagger enemies. A charged wallop from the Pile Bunker against a Staggered opponent is almost an immediate fight-ender. If the first time wasn’t the ticket, the second time will be.
2) Stun Needle Launcher—Shoulder weapon

I try to avoid using the term overpowered (OP) when simply saying things are strong, or even best-in-class to avoid exaggeration. That said, the Stun Needle Launcher is OP. Not only does it hit like a truck, but two shots from it will Stagger almost anything.
This weapon simply doesn’t have a trade-off. Most weapons that deal this damage have very high reload times or slow-moving projectiles—this thing feels like a click-to-hit weapon and the reload time is almost negligible. I suppose it is heavier than most shoulder weapons, but given its stopping power, that doesn’t feel like an actual trade-off.
You don’t have to take my word for it, either. If you haven’t yet, hop into PvP in Armored Core 6 and count the number of people you face who aren’t using the Stun Needle Launcher. Actually, don’t bother worrying about counting. Rather, see if you encounter even a single person who isn’t using it.
Being able to shred AP and Stagger with this range and accuracy simply can’t be beat.
1) Gatling gun—Arm weapon

The Gatling gun can quickly become the only right hand weapon (and even left hand weapon) you use in Armored Core 6. It has an absurd amount of benefits to it, but I think its real selling point is its versatility.
Customization is awesome, and it is fun to revamp your AC to tackle hurdles you’ve been stuck on. It can get old, though. Feeling like you constantly have to switch weapons and try different things out can get tiring when you simply want to play the game. The Gatling gun is literally always a good choice, so this eliminates that burnout issue.
I said “good” choice, but I should have said great. It has the highest rate of fire in Armored Core 6, an absolutely massive ammo reserve, impressive damage, and great Impact. Not only can it Stagger an enemy easily, but it can absolutely devastate Staggered enemies once they’re Staggered. There have been many bosses that I thought had massive AP reserves until I got a good piece of Direct Hit Damage from the Gatling gun, only to realize they can be melted like butter.
Published: Aug 29, 2023 02:42 pm