Apex Legends released its Solos mode to the world earlier this week, and Twitch Rivals is celebrating the game mode’s arrival with the first Apex solo tournament.
Boasting a $100,000 prize pool, the Solo Showdown will feature 60 streamers, including many of the biggest names in the community, such as Michael “Shroud” Grzesiek and Guy “Dr Disrespect” Beahm. The participants will face off against each other in a private server across six solo games.
Prize money will be distributed based on the placing and top kills in each match. At the end of the tournament, additional earnings will go to players based on their total eliminations across the entire event.
Apex fans can watch the action live on the Twitch Rivals channel. Similarly, streamers participating in the tournament will be streaming their perspectives from their own channels.
Published: Aug 14, 2019 04:59 pm