Respawn Entertainment, the developer of Apex Legends, will be removing the 16:9 resolution to allow for 4:3 stretched resolutions at professional tournaments, the senior systems designer of Apex said last night.
This means that players can use different resolutions rather than being stuck with the default resolution. This hinders most players since the player models are small in comparison with 4:3, which allows players to shoot larger targets.
These changes will be put into effect for the upcoming Apex Global Series, which will feature Major tournaments and a $3 million prize pool. This is part of an extensive overhaul by Respawn to rejuvenate Apex’s competitive scene.
The resolution is particularly important to pros of any esport because it grants players customization on enemy player models, potentially allowing for an easier and wider target. In Counter-Strike, for example, many players use the stretched resolution for an enlarged enemy player model so they’re easier to kill.
Apex’s battle royale competitor Fortnite doesn’t allow for the same resolution flexibility. In April, Epic Games banned stretched resolution from professional Fortnite tournaments. Fortnite celebrity and Mixer superstar Tyler “Ninja” Blevins criticized the decision since nearly every pro uses a different resolution than the standard 16:9 default.
But Apex pros will be able to use the enlarged hitboxes since the restriction has been removed. This small change will likely bolster the competition in the Apex Global Series next year.
Published: Dec 18, 2019 09:54 am