There are over 150 champions in League of Legends, each with their own abilities and playstyle. New champions come out multiple times a year and at this point, is there anything we haven’t seen them do?
On Oct. 10, League players on Reddit discussed if there are any mechanics that are still missing from the game. Those possible mechanics could be something similar to what we already have, but should encourage a completely new way to play.
There were quite a few fun suggestions, including projectiles bouncing off walls. My first thought was Syndra throwing her spheres that ricochet left and right. Some highlighted that Vex had a similar concept in her initial design, except she would have portals that you can send projectiles through.
On a similar note, one player wrote that they’d want Sivir to be able to bounce her Q off walls like Captain America. Now that you think about it, you can picture almost any skill shot having this feature. Maybe that’s what holds Riot Games back from implementing such a mechanic.
Lots of players picked up on the idea of having a League variant of Invoker from Dota 2. Invoker is a character that has three basic spells that you then combine to cast actual spells. There are a total of ten combinations Invoker can cast and you have to be a true pianist to be good at it. Imagine Aphelios, who is already one of the most difficult champions to play, but as a mage.
Another way to bring out your inner key master is with a rhythm champion. A fan mentioned Twisted Fate’s W, where you have to pick a card, and said that this mechanic can be expanded through other champions. Seraphine and Sona immediately come to mind because of the music, and although they were probably joking, players said that they are down to have a more complicated Sona.
Many of the ideas in the thread would probably outrage League players if they came true, but since I am a casual, all I care about is how fun the mechanics are to use. If the champions end up being powerful, that’s good for me.
Published: Oct 10, 2023 11:28 am