The saga of the teabagging Apex Legends player continues.
Fate Legion, a relatively new tournament organizer (TO) in the Apex Legends scene, got in a bit of controversy after banning a player for teabagging his own teammate during a match. Following some social media drama, the TO claimed that the decision was made in the heat of the moment.
While the pro player, Dilly, was the first to comment on the situation on Twitter, esports personality Jake Lucky was a big part of the online discussion. This led to Fate Legion’s owner, F8Shakeweight, to accuse Jake Lucky of sending his followers to harass Fate Legion and its employees on Discord.
Fate Legion called on Jake Lucky to be banned from Apex for the behavior, explaining that he violated EA’s User Agreement. But now it looks like Fate Legion may be the one running into some trouble instead.
Fate Legion account suspended from Twitter
During the controversy, F8Shakeweight stated in a press release: “We at Fate Legion would like to apologize to the gaming community for the disruption this has caused you. As new tournament organizers, we simply wanted to put on the best and most respectable tournaments around but came up short in our logistics due to the excitement of being granted the opportunity to host Apex private lobbies. Again, we apologize for the turmoil caused by this incident and will strive to do better in the future.”
At the time, it seemed like the controversy was maybe dying off. But in the midst of the controversy, it appears that FateLegion was suspended from Twitter.
Lucky didn’t explain why Fate Legion’s account was removed, but the replies to his post show that it is entertaining for a few people. Many joked that Fate Legion must have broken some very specific Twitter codes of conduct. Others just said they were teabagging in silence. Many teabagging memes were also shared.
For now, it’s still unclear why Fate Legion’s account was suspended or how long it will last.
Published: Aug 6, 2022 02:23 pm