Here I break down a midrange Mech-Mage list that took my friend Kordyon all the way to number 1 legend rank NA. It’s a very strong, interesting deck that looks to apply pressure to your opponents while using spells and sticky minions to keep board control.
Mulligan Guide
(For Reference)This is a deck that thrives/heavily depends on a strong curve. Board control is the most important aspect when piloting this list, and that only really happens when you can start out with a nice turn two/three punch, and then snowball from there. As such, without the coin you want to throw back everything that costs three or more (since your curve either starts with Mana Wyrm or a two drop). You don’t want to mulligan for a Mana Wyrm, but you do want to mulligan hard for a two drop. If you have the Coin it is much more acceptable to keep two three drops, especially if those are Harvest Golem/Tinkertown Technician, but that is an isolated scenario. I will often keep Harvest Golem and Spidertank if I have the Coin, because those are really strong on turn two. Against Hunter/Zoo, if you have the Coin I generally keep Goblin Blastmage if I have early cards. I will do this even without mechs in my hand, as there are so many in your deck the odds of drawing them are really high. I will also keep Coin/Blastmage against Zoo. Everything else is fairly straightforward. Never throw away Mana Wyrm, and only keep Frostbolt against aggro (Hunter/Zoo) and Priest. Snowchugger is a must keep against Hunter, Rogue and Warrior, while Mechwarper is always going to be your best start. The biggest rule of this deck is start out low and then build off your threats. Mulligan to meet this plan.
Published: Dec 30, 2014 10:55 am