Overwatch is a game with a variety of heroes to suit different tastes and playstyles. Currently, the roster includes 32 unique heroes split into three main categories: tank, damage, and support.
Each of these heroes has its own set of abilities. Three of these will be available to use once off cooldown, but the final ultimate ability is only acquirable by earning points in the game. Once sufficient points have been earned, the hero will be able to launch an ultimate attack that can either be devastating to the enemy or greatly assist the team.
Here are all the ultimate abilities in Overwatch.
Ana — Nano Boost
As a support hero, Ana’s kit is optimized to assist heroes on her team. Ana’s ultimate ability, Nano Boost, fires a combat boost from her rifle, boosting the damage output of the targeted teammate and reducing damage they receive from enemy heroes. It also heals an ally for a total of 250 health.
Ashe — B.O.B.
Ashe has one of the more unique ultimate abilities in the game. For her ultimate, she summons her trusted omnic sidekick B.O.B. who charges at enemies, launching them into the air before firing them down with his arm cannons.
Baptiste — Amplification Matrix
Baptiste, another support hero, has a powerful ultimate ability called Amplification Matrix. This ability will set up a large square forcefield that doubles the damaging and healing effects of friendly projectiles that pass through it. This can be extremely helpful in winning a team-based firefight.
Bastion — Configuration Tank
For Bastion’s ultimate ability, he transforms into his tank mode and gains a long-range cannon with explosive rounds that will damage enemies in range of its blast zone. This effect is only temporary but the damage it can output is extremely high.
Brigitte — Rally
Brigitte is a support hero that can deal impressive damage of her own. Her ultimate ability, Rally, increases Brigitte’s movement speed while also granting all nearby allies armor that cannot be removed outside of damage.
D.Va — Self Destruct / Call Mech
D.Va is unique in that she has two ultimates. The first is called Self-Destruct. As the name implies, D.Va exits her mech, sending it into nearby enemies before detonating it to do extreme damage. Once in her pilot form, she will have a new ultimate ability called Call Mech. This will call down her mech to which she can enter and begin the process again.
Doomfist — Meteor Strike
A true damage hero, Doomfist’s ultimate ability Meteor Strike will see him leap into the air before landing and dealing incredible damage to enemies below.
Echo — Duplicate
Duplicate, Echo’s ultimate ability, allows the hero to take on the appearance of an enemy hero, gaining access to all of their abilities. This can be helpful for both dealing damage or supporting the team depending on the appearance Echo chooses.
Genji — Dragonblade
One of the game’s most popular heroes, Genji, has a powerful ultimate ability that will see him don a sword capable of deliverable killing strikes with each hit. This is the perfect ability to take out a room of enemy heroes in a quick fashion.
Hanzo — Dragonstrike
Hanzo is one of the most popular ranged heroes in the game. With his ultimate ability, Dragonstrike, Hanzo launches a massive dragon that can travel through walls, taking out enemies within its path.
Junkrat — RIP-Tire
Junkrat’s ultimate ability is called Rip-Tire. This ability will see the hero launch a motorized tire bomb. He can steer it around objects and into enemies to detonate remotely without needing to leave his location.
Lucio — Sound Barrier
As a support hero, Lucio’s kit is tailored to assisting his team. His ultimate ability, Sound Barrier, is an effective way to equip allies for combat. He does this by jumping into the air and landing back on the ground, providing personal shields for teammates within a radius of his location.
McCree — Deadeye
One of the simpler ultimate abilities in the game, Deadeye is also one of the most effective. McCree’s ultimate will see him take a moment before drawing his pistol and firing upon every enemy in his line of sight.
Mei — Blizzard
Blizzard is an ultimate ability that can take down entire teams in one swoop. Mei launches a drone onto a location, slowing and damaging enemies nearby. Those enemies who are unable to escape the area of effect will be frozen for a short time, allowing Mei and her team to eliminate multiple at once.
Mercy — Valkyrie
Mercy’s ultimate ability is called Valkyrie. This ability will see all the hero’s other abilities enhanced, allowing her to heal multiple enemies at once among other benefits.
Moira — Coalescence
Moira’s ultimate is immensely powerful since it not only will assist allies but also can take out opponents. When activated, Coalescence will see Moira channel a long-range beam that heals allies as well as bypassing enemy shields to deal damage.
Orisa — Supercharger
One of the most effective tank heroes in Overwatch, Orisa boasts a variety of abilities to hold off enemies and protect her team. Orisa’s ultimate is Supercharger, which, in the form of a killable device, increases the damage of allies within her line of sight.
Pharah — Barrage
One of the most mobile heroes in the game, Pharah has a kit perfect for moving around the map and taking out enemies from higher places. Her ultimate is excellent for this style of character as she will freeze in position, unleashing a barrage of mini rockets to take out targeted enemies.
Reaper — Death Blossom
There is no better way to clear a room than using Death Blossom, Reaper’s ultimate ability. This will see Reaper appear as a blur of motion, dealing impressive damage to nearby enemies. Given his ability to teleport his way into rooms without being seen, this can be a great tool to set up from behind enemy lines.
Reinhardt — Earthshatter
One of the more aggressive tank heroes in Overwatch, Reinhardt boasts abilities that allow him to press forward while defending himself and his allies in the process. His ultimate ability is Earthshatter, in which he slams his hammer into the ground and shatters the surface, knocking down and dealing damage to all enemies in the way.
Roadhog — Whole Hog
Another aggressive tank champion, Roadhog can draw enemies in, heal off damage, and inflict a whole lot of pain to enemies. His ultimate ability, Whole Hog, equips his Scrap Gun, a minigun that will fire a continuous stream of bullets until the timer runs out.
Sigma — Gravitic Flux
Sigma has a unique, fun-to-play kit. This is topped off by his ultimate ability, Gravitic Flux. Once this ability is activated, Sigma will lift enemies into the air before slamming them back down to the floor. This can be used to give allies time to reposition or just to silence the enemies’ offense.
Soldier: 76 — Tactical Visor
For players of standard shooter games, Solider: 76 has always been a favorite. This is due to his kit being awfully familiar with that run-and-gun style of gameplay. His ultimate ability, Tactical Visor, will see him lock onto enemies within his sight, allowing him to fire at them with pinpoint accuracy.
Sombra — EMP
Sombra’s ultimate ability is EMP. This will see Sombra discharge a radius of electromagnetic energy destroying enemy shields, barriers, and hacking all the enemies near the blast.
Symmetra — Photon Barrier
As a damage hero, Symmetra is versatile and able to zone off entire sections for combat. This can be done with the use of her ultimate ability Photon Barrier. As the name suggests, Symmetra’s ultimate will create a barrier that blocks all ranged attacks and is big enough position all over the map. This is a great tool if the hero finds herself in a team-based firefight and is looking for a way to zone off a group of enemies.
Torbjörn — Molten Core
Another hero capable of zoning off fights, Torbjorn’s ultimate is a unique way to block off entrances for enemies who are not capable of flying. Molten Core will see Torbjörn fire a pool of molten lava that will deal sustained damage to enemy heroes caught by it.
Tracer — Pulse Bomb
The face of Overwatch and the most well-known hero in the game, Tracer is a fast-paced, damage-based hero that offers players a variety of methods to navigate the map and deal damage to enemies. Tracer’s ultimate ability allows her to throw a pulse bomb that will detonate and deal extreme damage to enemies caught by the blast.
Widowmaker — Infra-Sight
Widowmaker is perfect for players who prefer to keep at range and take out enemies from a distance. Her ultimate ability will allow her team to see enemy heat signatures through walls.
Winston — Primal Rage
Winston is an extremely well-rounded hero. He can protect allies with the use of a barrier as well as dealing massive damage with his ultimate Primal Rage. This will see the hero embrace his animal nature, boosting all aspects of his stats from health to damage, dealing insane melee damage to enemies he is able to reach with his increased movement.
Wrecking Ball — Minefield
Wrecking Ball is a true tank hero, however, his ultimate allows him to deal heavy damage to groups of enemies. Minefield will see the hero deploy a field of long-lasting proximity mines which will explode once they meet enemies, dealing incredible damage.
Zarya — Graviton Surge
A perfect ally for teamfights, Zarya has a unique ability to bring targets together with the use of her ultimate, Gravitation Surge. Zarya will launch a bomb that, when detonated, will draw in nearby enemies trapping them in the center. This is perfect for bringing teams together so allies can more easily target their abilities.
Zenyatta — Transcendence
One of the more unique heroes in Overwatch, Zenyatta utilizes two different orbs to either heal allies or cause his opponents to take more damage. His ultimate ability Transcendence will see him enter a heightened state for a short period of time, becoming immune to damage and restoring the health of himself and nearby enemies.
Published: Feb 25, 2022 03:00 am