To capture the World of Warcraft “vanilla” experience as accurately as possible, Blizzard decided to implement phases to Classic, each adding new content to the game.
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The phases are centered primarily on raid and player power progression, focusing on endgame content and gear. Although Classic is on Patch 1.10 with no plans for future patches, additional features, like the honor system and PvP rewards, will be added.
The current timeframe for each of the phases has yet to be revealed, but they’re expected to be similar to the original game from 2004. Molton Core, Onyxia, and Maraudon are available in terms of endgame content right now. But that could soon change.
Here’s the full list of phases and updates coming to WoW Classic.
Phase one
Classic launch
- Maraudon (Dungeon)
- Molten Core (Raid)
- Onyxia (Raid)
- World PvP, but no tracking, no formal rewards.
Phase two
November, 2019
- Azuregos (World boss)
- Kazzak (World boss)
- Honor System
- PvP Rank Rewards
- Alterac Valley (Battleground)
- Warsong Gulch (Battleground)
Phase three
February, 2020
- Blackwing Lair (Raid)
- Darkmoon Faire (Special event)
- Darkmoon deck drops begin
Phase four
April, 2020
- Zul’Gurub (Raid)
- Green Dragons (World boss)
- Arathi Basin (Battleground)
Phase five
July, 2020
- Loot revamp
- Ahn’Qiraj War Effort begins
- Ahn’Qiraj raids open when the war effort dictates
- Dungeon loot reconfiguration: Tier 0.5 Dungeon gear, Relics, drop rates, and location changes
- Ruins and Temple of Ahn’Qiraj (Raids)
Phase six
December, 2020
- Scourge Invasion
- Naxxramas (Raid)
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Published: Oct 5, 2020 06:00 am