After a 113-episode run, League of Legends’ community spotlight web series, the Summoner Showcase, was cancelled—and fans were heartbroken. That was almost four years ago. Now, there’s some good news. It’s back!
The Summoner Showcase picks up right where it left off back in 2013, at episode 114.
After the show was first cancelled, Riot staffers attempted to revive the idea on their newer web show called /All Chat. On each episode of the show, there was a brief segment called “Summoner Showcase” that quickly ran through some cool fan submissions of artwork, cosplay, and more. It was reminiscent of the original show, but it didn’t go into nearly as much time or detail on the pieces themselves. Following /All Chat’s cancellation earlier this year, fans wanted the community creation portion of the show to live on.
Luckily, for those of us that love seeing the community’s hard work, Riot listened. A whole new team is working on the Summoner Showcase’s return. The show’s host, Mel “Riot Swimbananas” Capperino-Garcia, and writer “gomatgo” work behind-the-scenes at the developer, but the show’s producer, Sarah “Riot Jynx” Kulyk, is an accomplished and widely-known cosplayer.
If you’d like to submit your own creations to the Summoner Showcase, head on over to the official Facebook page, where you can post your creations directly to the page wall.
Published: Apr 3, 2017 11:43 am