In the new WoW Classic Season of Discovery, players will be able to fully customize their builds with all new spells, revamped talent trees, and an endgame that begins at level 25.
These changes will completely turn WoW on its head, all while making it so that the Season of Discovery continuously presents a stream of evolving content from start to finish. One of the biggest ways this content stream can stay afloat is through an ever-evolving endgame that changes each time a new level cap is implemented.
When you first fire up the Season of Discovery, you’ll notice the level cap sits at 25. But don’t worry, we’ll get to 60 eventually. In fact, there will be four different endgames that you’ll be able to play through during the Season of Discovery, so make sure you come back for all of the new-twist content that makes its way through the pipeline at each level band.
Having multiple endgames throughout the course of a Classic season transforms the goals that WoW players have and creates an experience that’s focused solely on progression, instead of the usual standard, flat endgame that’s only attainable at level 60. No longer does the “real game” start at the endgame. Level-banded content is an absolute win for the game as it will ensure players treat both the leveling process and the multiple checkpoints with the same amount of care and respect in regard to progressing their characters.
Here’s everything you need to know about level bands in WoW Classic’s Season of Discovery, as well as some predictions for when we think the next “endgame” after level 25 might be implemented.
What are the level caps in WoW Classic Season of Discovery?
The WoW Classic Season of Discovery will have four different level caps, with phases of the endgame coming in waves at each of these checkpoints. The Season of Discovery’s four level caps are listed below:
- Level 25
- Level 40
- Level 50
- Level 60
Whenever the game reaches one of these checkpoints, players will be getting new content that’s relevant to that point in the game, such as level-appropriate dungeons and raids, and potentially even open-world activities that take place in corresponding zones. These checkpoints will update and more content will become available when the game rolls over into new content phases, which usually come about once every few months.
When will the Season of Discovery level cap increase?
While it’s not known for certain right now when the level cap will increase in the Season of Discovery, we know for sure that at some point in the future, the next 15 levels of the game will unlock and players will have another endgame checkpoint to pursue.
We suspect that the Season of Discovery will keep players at the level 25 checkpoint for the better part of a few months, meaning it will likely be at least a month or two into 2024 before we start to continue leveling in the new season and eventually reach the second checkpoint of level 40.
Published: Nov 29, 2023 6:06 PM UTC