The latest hotfix for World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King tweaked classes, items, and raids.
XT-002 Deconstructor, one of the hardest bosses in Ulduar, took the brunt of the changes. A series of nerfs were applied to the hardmode version of the boss but won’t affect the regular mode.
The total damage required to defeat the boss has been reduced by 20 percent in 10-man hardmode. His XT-002 Deconstructor Heartbreak buff was also lowered, with the devs aiming to make him easier to take down.
When it comes to 25-man hardmode, the changes are similar. XT-002 Deconstructor was hit with some health nerfs, and his Heartbreak Buff health was also lowered by more than 20 million.
Besides the changes to the Ulduar boss, the devs have introduced minor changes to Druid and to a few items.
Here’s the full list of changes added with the latest hotfix to World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King.
Class balancing
- The Cenarion Raiment Druid set from Molten Core now reduces the cooldown of Tranquility by only 15 percent, rather than 50 percent.
Dungeon and raid changes
XT-002 Deconstructor
10 Player Hardmode
- Total Damage required to defeat XT-002 reduced by 20 percent during the Heartbreak Phase.
- Heartbreak Health percentage Buff is now 40 percent (was 90 percent).
- Heartbreak Buff Health: is now 8,400,000 (was 11,400,000).
- Life Spark Health is now 100,800.
25 Player Hardmode
- Heartbreak Health percentage Buff is now 40 percent (was 90 percent).
- Base Health is now 18,000,000 (was 25,000,000).
- Heart Health is now 4,410,000 (was 6,125,000).
- Heartbreak Buff Health is now 25,200,000 (was 47,500,000).
- Life Spark Health is now 302,400 (was 352,800).
Items and rewards
Block value socket bonus tooltips for the following items are now consistent with their in-game effects:
- Valorous Redemption Legguards
- Heroes’ Redemption Legguards
- Greaves of the Shatterer
- Timewarden’s Leggings
- Skadi’s Iron Belt
- Jungle Stompers
- Topaz-Studded Battlegrips
Published: Feb 1, 2023 07:25 am