Twitch streamer and FaZe Clan content creator Nate Hill recently reflected on stream about his time co-streaming for The Game Awards, accusing xQc of brigading his channel with “hate raids.” Hill, a sponsored streamer for the event, claims he received several waves of hate and disparaging messages throughout his broadcast.
“What wasn’t fun, I don’t know if you guys noticed, the multiple hate raids from xQc,” the former Fortnite pro claimed. “What a cool guy. What an absolute cool, classy guy.”
Hill expressed his anger toward the popular Twitch streamer, saying “I have a new found ‘fuck that guy’ hate for that person dude. Like what an absolute loser. I’ve never seen a bigger douche bag move in my entire life. Like a huge fucking loser.”
Hill went on to explain the context around the situation. The musician and content creator had filmed a video promoting his sponsored stream for Version that aired multiple times throughout The Game Awards. Hill claims that xQc responded to these advertised messages by sending hate raids.
“So his response was to send his army of 100,000 loser fucking scum human beings over to my stream while I’m working and just fucking spam ‘I hate you’ and ‘kill yourself’ and stuff like that,” Hill said. “And I just have to keep smiling, pretend it’s not happening when I really just want to punch the guy in the fucking nose.”
Multiple streamers who co-streamed The Game Awards were critical of the event’s advertisements for other sponsored streams. CohhCarnage said it was “relatively disrespectful” for the event to advertise other streamers after being invited to co-stream the event.
XQc has yet to respond to Hill’s accusation.
Published: Dec 13, 2021 04:50 pm