Welcome to the second part of my ultimate guide. If you haven’t read the first part yet and you are interested in learning some things about how to get the right mentality for solo queue and how to behave in-game to have the best chances of winning you should check it out. This time, I am going to talk about setting up your rune pages.
If you don’t have 20 rune pages yet and just want to know how to fill up your first two pages, here’s what you should go for:
This is the first page that you should make. It consists of
- 9x Greater Mark of Attack Damage
- 9x Greater Seal of Armor
- 9x Greater Glyph of Magic Resist
- 3x Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage
It can be used in pretty much any role, even as a support you will have at least higher poke from your basic attacks. Having this page equipped is never bad so if you really don’t know what to go for, go with this.
The second page that you make should be oriented on AP champions as AD and AP are the most basic stats in League of Legends. It looks like this:
- 9x Greater Mark of Magic Penetration
- 9x Greater Seal of Armor
- 9x Greater Glyph of Magic Resist
- 3x Greater Quintessence of Ability Power
Pretty basic page where we only changed Marks and Quints. Use it for every champion who scales well with AP. With these two pages you will be able to play basically any champion. Now let’s talk about optimizations for these pages. One thing that works for both AD and AP page is swapping your Armor Seals with Scaling Health Seals if you are playing versus a team which does mostly magic damage. Let’s say that you are playing toplane Renekton and the enemy team looks like this: Vladimir top, Gragas jungle, Ahri mid, Caitlyn adc and Nami support. At this point you know that the only AD threat is Caitlyn and 4 other people do mainly magic damage so going for Armor Seals wouldn’t be as effective. Another simple tweak that can be done to both pages is changing Magic Resist Glyphs for Scaling Cooldown Reduction Glyphs if you are facing an AD heavy team. Every champion benefits from CDR and it’s one of the few stats that are good on Glyphs. As an example, this is my favorite page for AP mids because it helps you reach that 40 % CDR in the late game which is very important so if you have enough IP for more runes go for this page:
- 9x Greater Mark of Magic Penetration
- 9x Greater Seal of Scaling Health
- 9x Greater Glyph of Scaling Cooldown Reduction
- 3x Greater Mark of Ability Power
I should give some love to other roles as well so let’s take a look at an AD Carry rune page:
- 9x Greater Mark of Attack Damage
- 9x Greater Seal of Armor
- 5x Greater Glyph of Attack Speed
- 4x Greater Glyph of Magic Resist
- 3x Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed
A pretty standard AD carry rune page which likes to go for a lot of Attack Speed. Some people even run 9 Attack Speed Glyphs or replace the Magic Resist Glyphs with Mana Regeneration Glyphs on champions that want to poke a lot in a laning phase like Lucian, Ashe, Ezreal… The only problem with this page for beginners is that it’s harder to last hit than with the AD Quints page but as long as that doesn’t concern you, this page is superior.
Now supports pages. There is a ton of different support pages because it depends whether you’re playing Sona or Braum – a more poke and sustain oriented support or a tank/initiator support. A tank support page:
- 9x Greater Mark of Armor
- 9x Greater Seal of Armor
- 6x Greater Glyph of Magic Resist
- 3x Greater Glyph of Armor
- 3x Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed
Pretty defensive page with a lot resists and a 4,5 % Movement Speed bonus for quicker roams and initiations. Armor Seals can be replaced with Health Seals and Movement Speed Quints can be replaced with Armor Quints. This page is the best for supports like Braum, Thresh, Alistar, Leona…
A poke/sustain support page:
- 9x Greater Mark of Armor
- 9x Greater Seal of Armor
- 6x Greater Glyph of Magic Resist
- 3x Greater Glyph of Ability Power
- 3x Greater Quintessence of Ability Power
A page oriented on poking with abilities and keeping your ad carry safe through healing and shields. Armor Marks can be replaced with Magic Penetration or Attack Damage Marks for more poke potential with abilities/auto attacks. Use this page for supports like Janna, Lulu, Nami, Sona…
Jungle rune pages are again really diverse so I am just gonna summarize the basic concept. If you are an AP jungler like Elise or Gragas you want to go for 9x Attack Speed Marks and if AD like Rek’Sai or Kha’Zix you want 9x Attack Damage Marks. The reason for this is that AP junglers usually don’t have any AD scaling abilities so going for pure Attack Speed ends up being more beneficial. For Quintessences you usually go for 3x Attack Speed. Seals are almost always 9x Armor and Glyphs can be 9x Flat/Scaling Cooldown Reduction or more defensive 9x Flat/Scaling Magic Resist depending on whether your jungler is more aggressive early game or needs to scale into the later stages of the game.
Top lane rune pages are fairly similar to the jungle ones with an exception of Attack Speed Quints being used mostly on tanks and AD/AP Quints on more bruiser oriented champions.
If you want to know what runes are pros running you can check out probuilds.net. It’s an amazing site which might might help you with building of your rune pages. Just keep in mind that it’s not always smart to copy the first page you see because a lot of the pages that pros run are usually situational.
That’s gonna be it for the second part of my ultimate guide. I initially wanted to talk about mastery pages as well but it will have to wait for the part three I guess. If you found this article useful and want more people to see it don’t forget to share it via social media. My twitter is @IAmBlaide. See you guys next time.
Published: Nov 1, 2015 03:21 pm