Riot Games is taking a breather with this week’s League of Legends patch.
After two big updates, which included a myriad of changes in the name of Worlds 2021, the devs are making just a handful of champion tweaks and adjustments to keep things “brewing smoothly” in Patch 11.20.
A few champions that are set to receive changes include Amumu, who had been wreaking havoc in the support position, and Singed, who had been getting a little “out of hand” in the top lane.
Here’s the full list of changes for League’s Patch 11.20

Q – Bandage Toss
- Damage: 70/100/130/160/190 (+85 percent AP) to 70/95/120/145/170 (+85 percent AP)
- Mana cost: 30/35/40/45/50 to 70

W – Crippling Strike
- Cooldown: 7/6.5/6/5.5/5 seconds to five seconds

Base health: 534 to 555
Armor growth: 3.35 to four

W – Spirit of Dread
- Cooldown: 22/21/20/19/18 seconds to 18 seconds
- Capped healing versus minions and monsters: 90/120/150/180/210 to 120/150/180/210/240

Passive – Ionian Fervor
- Bonus AD ratio at max stacks: 30 percent to 20 percent
Jarvan IV

Passive – Martial Cadence
- Bonus damage: 10 percent of target’s current health to eight percent of target’s current health

Passive – Ki Barrier
- Shield: 60 to 111 (based on level) (+14 percent bonus health) to 50 to 101 (based on level) (+14 percent bonus health)

E – Fling
- Base damage: 50/65/80/95/110 to 50/60/70/80/90
- Damage ratio: 75 percent AP to 60 percent AP

Q – Threaded Volley
- Damage to monsters from subsequent stones: 80 percent to 75 percent

R – Phoenix Stance
- Cone Damage: 50/95/140/185/230/275 (+80 percent AP) to 60/110/160/210/260/310 (+80 percent AP)
Imperial Mandate
- Initial hit bonus damage: 36 to 60 (based on level) to 45 to 75 (based on level)
- Bug fix: Damage dealt by Imperial Mandate’s mark will be properly attributed to the allied champion who consumes it.
Jungle changes
- Healing based on max health: 15 percent to 10 percent
Jungle camps
- Gromp base AD: 78 to 74
- Ancient Krug base AD: 78 to 74
Worlds Clash
Team formation for the first weekend of Worlds Clash starts on Oct. 11, with the matches taking place on Oct. 16 and 17. As well as the standard trophy, banner, and logo rewards players have come to expect from Clash, Worlds Clash also grants an additional loot capsule containing the following items:
- First place (both basic and premium tickets): (one) Worlds event orb + (one) Random championship skin permanent + (one) 2021 Dragonmancer Clash icon
- Second to seventh place (Premium tickets): (one) Random championship skin permanent + (one) 2021 Dragonmancer Clash icon
- Eighth to fifteenth place (Premium tickets): (one) Random championship skin shard + (one) 2021 Dragonmancer Clash icon
- For all other Worlds Clash participants (both premium and basic tickets): (one) 2021 Dragonmancer Clash icon
Bug fixes and quality-of-life changes
- [Update] New player experience: Brand will replace Ahri in the League of Legends tutorial. Seraphine will take Brand’s place as one of the unlockable champions in the “Unleash the Storm” quest.
- [Update] Behavioral systems: AFK penalty changes will continue their rollout to additional regions except Korea and China.
- Fixed a bug that would invalidate wins if all players closed their clients with Alt+F4 within a certain window at the end of a game.
- The colors of Dawnbringer Vex’s Shadow and Worlds 2021 champion Jarvan IV’s walls have been fixed to match each of their chromas.
- Fixed a bug where Sylas would not get another cast of Vex’s stolen R – Shadow Surge if the marked target died within the ability’s reset window.
- Fixed a bug where Vex’s Passive – Doom ‘n Gloom would incorrectly mark enemies moved by champion-created terrain, such as Anivia’s W – Crystallize or Jarvan IV’s R – Cataclysm.
- Fixed a bug where Sion would not get marked by Vex’s Passive – Doom ‘n Gloom while in his Passive – Glory in Death frenzy.
- Warwick’s W – Blood Hunt bonus movement speed toward an enemy will no longer be affected by the presence of another enemy in his path.
- Fixed a bug where Rengar’s Q – Savagery animation did not play when he activated Ironspike Whip, Goredrinker, or Stridebreaker.
- Fixed a bug where Karthus’ Q – Lay Waste granted Tear of the Goddess stacks despite not hitting a valid target.
- Fixed a bug where, if Neeko owns a Hextech Alternator, her W – Shapesplitter clone would die early whenever she took damage while invisible.
- Fixed a bug where using R – Devour on an enemy Wukong’s clone granted Tahm Kench vision of him for the rest of the game.
- Fixed a bug where Senna’s Q – Piercing Darkness did not grant Press the Attack stacks.
- Fixed a bug where Vex was able to recast R – Shadow Surge on Gwen while she was in her W – Hallowed Mist.
- Lulu’s E – Help, Pix! now correctly grants a shield when cast on an allied champion’s clone.
- Fixed a bug where Cho’Gath’s Passive – Carnivore and Warwick’s Passive – Eternal Hunger heals worked against wards, trinkets, and certain champion-created objects.
- Fixed a bug where Shadow Assassin Kayn would only receive half of local tower gold if his living shadow from W – Blade’s Reach was active and in range.
- Viktor will correctly obtain five Hex Fragments for his Passive – Glorious Evolution upon killing super minions and epic monsters (in addition to siege minions).
- Miss Fortune’s Passive – Love Tap tooltip now includes the reduction on bonus damage against minions.
- Anivia’s base voice lines have been remastered to sound clearer, cleaner, and smoother.
- LeBlanc’s critical attack sounds will now play correctly for all of her skins.
- Fixed a bug where LeBlanc’s W – Distortion dash did not play its sound effect if cast from Fog of War into vision.
- LeBlanc’s W – Distortion will correctly play a sound effect for herself and her allies when its return indicator times out.
Upcoming skins and chromas

- Bewitching Poppy
- Bewitching Syndra
- Bewitching Nami
- Bewitching Yuumi
- Bewitching Fiora
- Bewitching Morgana prestige edition
- Bewitching Poppy
- Bewitching Syndra
- Bewitching Nami
- Bewitching Yuumi
- Bewitching Fiora
Unbound Thresh
Unbound Thresh, originally released as an event token exclusive during Sentinels of Light, will be added to the store as a regularly purchasable 750 RP skin. Riot is also making a splash and in-game adjustments to better match Thresh’s face with his appearance in the “Thresh Unbound: A Night at the Inn” video.
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Published: Oct 5, 2021 01:12 pm