After a small blip in Apex Legends‘ weekly challenge reset schedule, Respawn Entertainment has permanently changed when season two’s weekly challenges reset will each week to 5am CT every Tuesday morning.
Since the start of Apex Legends’ second season a week ago, players have been able to complete seven weekly and three daily challenges to earn XP. Additionally, there are two recurring weekly challenges requiring players to complete five or 10 daily challenges. Challenges yield full Battle Pass levels and STARS, a new XP system that’s specific to the Battle Pass’ level progression.
There was some confusion as to when the weekly challenges would reset, however. According to the reset timer shown on the game’s homscreen, the challenges from week one would reset in the afternoon today. Things didn’t go according to this plan, however, and some Apex fans reported their challenges reset with 10 hours left on the clock, leaving them unable to complete their missions despite believing they had enough time to do so.
In response, Respawn cleared the air and changed the time challenges will reset every week. From now until the end of season two, weekly challenges will reset at 5am CT every Tuesday morning while daily missions will reset every 24 hours at the same time. Players can view their challenges from previous weeks by clicking on the “See All Challenges” button beneath their current set of missions on the lobby homescreen.
Related: Leveling up in the Apex Legends season 2 Battle Pass is harder than season one
Any unlockables for season two will be permanently vaulted by the end of the season, meaning those with a Battle Pass will need to unlock all the goodies they can before the items are no longer available.
Respawn has yet to reveal when the game’s second season will end, but Apex fans can expect Battle Charge to end sometime in October, according to its three-month season schedule.
Published: Jul 9, 2019 12:23 pm