A new Apex Legends update usually means new bugs. It’s just the way of the game, at this point, and players expect to head into a new season with at least a couple things in the game breaking.
Usually, these bugs include server issues and players disconnecting, hit registration issues on certain legends, and comically-frequent problems with Loba’s teleporter bracelet not working on certain terrain. Season 14 introduced a bug that seems new to most players, however, which features characters swapping abilities. Behold, a Bangalore using Bloodhound scans.
Players are reporting that some legends seem to swap abilities with that of one of the legends in their team, despite players keeping the original character’s model and voicelines. Hence, you have Bangalore scanning enemies while Bloodhound gets a couple of smoke grenades at their disposal.
Usually, bugs in Apex tend to ruin parts of the game for players. This bug, though, is… kind of fun? It’s almost like Respawn unintentionally added a random legend mode into the game. Of course, it might not be as fun if you get stuck with the abilities of a legend you don’t particularly enjoy playing, but just imagine a Caustic sending out some Mirage decoys. It’s a bug made for comedy and chaos.
The bug will probably get a hotfix sometime soon, along with a few other issues players are experiencing with the new update. For now, however, if you find yourself getting some unexpected abilities on your legend of choice, just try to have some fun with it, and definitely record your gameplay.
Published: Aug 9, 2022 02:54 pm