Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is already in the hands of streamers who maybe shouldn’t be allowed to use heavy artillery, and among those who have already proven that maybe they should find a different hobby is none other than Lirik.
Playing yesterday, Lirik exclaimed that he had grenades before second-guessing himself.
“I got ‘nades, ‘nade out,” he said. “I don’t have ‘nades?”
He then noticed that he did indeed have grenades. But perhaps he shouldn’t have been allowed to because as he threw his grenade, it hit the building he was attempting to throw it in and bounced back directly at him.
As it rolled in front of his feet, there was no time left for him to react with anything more than the admission that he just made a terrible mistake in the form of a two-word phrase everyone is familiar with.
“Oh, fuck,” he said.
Luckily for Lirik, he was only doing the game’s single-player campaign mode, so there wasn’t an opportunity for the situation to result in him getting flamed by his teammates. But considering the mistake, maybe he should practice a little bit before he tries the game’s online multiplayer modes.
Lirik has spent just an hour and 20 minutes broadcasting in the MW2 category with an average of 15,326 viewers, according to Streams Charts.
Published: Oct 27, 2022 04:24 pm