The end of an era has begun with Call of Duty: Warzone’s final Vanguard season, which is going live today at 11am CT.
The patch notes for the update have been posted ahead of the update and they’re chock full of some interesting developments for the game, including multiple updates to the landscape of Caldera.
The Peak point of interest on Caldera has received the biggest update, turning into Volcanic Peak. The volcano in the middle of the map is now active, spilling hot lava down the mountainside. It should go without saying, but players will likely want to avoid touching the hot magma.
The new season, Final Stand, also includes a new battle pass and several new operators featuring villains from CoDs of the past. The villains include Raul Menendez, Gabriel Rorke, Seraph, and Khaled Al-Asad.
There are two new weapons at the season’s launch, the EX1 assault rifler and RA 225 submachine gun, and numerous tweaks to existing guns across the spectrum in the game.
Here’s the full list of patch notes for today’s update.
Caldera map updates
Volcanic Peak Reworked POI
“Heightened volcanic activity has been recorded at Caldera, with a major geological event occurring with the launch of Season Five. Battle around a transformed Peak as lava runs down the mountainside in all modes and shoots out over the island during Operation: Last Call.”
Task Force Tyrants HQ POI Expansion
“No self respecting villain would operate without an evil lair. As such, Task Force Tyrants has claimed Peak and given it somewhat of a hazardous makeover… an interior creek with flowing lava, basalt columns and stepping stones, a giant, colorful, ornate crest for their secret organization, and a beautiful vista looking out over a wartorn Caldera.”
Boiler Room New Gulag
“Get back into the match with the new volcanic-themed Gulag, inspired by an old favorite.”
Sun Rays Through Smoke New Weather and Lighting
“The storm has cleared on Caldera, the sunlight peeking through the volcano’s billowing smoke.”
Rebirth Island map updates
Sunset New Weather and Lighting
“Rebirth Island sees new lighting changes as well, featuring a warm and lush sunset casting a vibrant hue over the map.”
Rebirth After Dark New Weather and Lighting
“Rebirth Island will also receive a special limited-time mode, ‘Rebirth After Dark, on Friday September 2nd through Sunday September 4th that allows players to experience this fan favorite experience after the sun has set.”
Bug fixes
- Fixed collision issues with various elements across Caldera/Fortune’s Keep allowing Players to exploit/peek/shoot through them.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Player from equipping Armor Plates after interacting with a Buy Station.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Player to be unable to buy back a teammate when the Hardline Perk was equipped.
- Fixed an issue that caused Prestige Levels to display incorrectly in the Barracks.
- Fixed an issue that caused some Emblems and Calling Cards to be unequipped automatically.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Out of Bounds warning to get stuck on-screen in a pre-match lobby.
Doomsday Station New Gameplay | Caldera Battle Royale
- This unique station can be activated for $10,000, causing enemy AI to invade the position via Helicopter drop.
- Rewards are lootable by any player, regardless of who activated the station.
- One station will appear per match, with multiple possible spawn locations.
- A unique cosmetic Watch skin will be rewarded to players who activate and fully secure the station.
Supply Box UAV New Killstreak | All Maps and Modes
- This new Killstreak can be activated to mark nearby, unopened Supply Boxes on the Tac Map for 20 seconds.
- This Killstreak can be looted via Supply Boxes or purchased at a Buy Station for $3,000.
- Activating more than three Supply Box UAVs in a short amount of time will activate an Advanced Supply Box UAV resulting in a much stronger effect.
- Supply Box types are represented by color:
- Blue = Standard Supply Box
- Orange = Legendary Supply Box
- Red = Resurgence Supply Box
- Pink = Personal Supply Box
Personal Supply Box New Lootable Supply Box | All Maps and Modes
- This unique Supply Box will spawn a player’s “Favorite” Loadout Weapons and reward the player with 2,000 XP.
- Players can “Set as Favorite” via the Weapons -> Edit Loadout menus.
Rage Serum New Field Upgrade | All Maps and Modes
- Players can use this Field Upgrade to boost their close-quarters capabilities for 40 seconds.
- Positive effects include:
- Movement Speed increased by eight percent
- Damage with Melee Weapons or while Unarmed increased by 50 percent
- Lunge Distance increased to 3.2 meters, up from 1.4 meters while standing
- Melee Stun Power increased by 50 percent
- Negative effects include:
- Players have a louder presence
- Visible “Rage” effects on the Operator
- Stun & Flash Vulnerability increased by 40 percent
- This effect can be countered by the Battle Hardened perk.
Quality of life
- Precision Airstrikes
- Improved the Precision Airstrike danger UI notification to be more consistent with where the Airstrike target is and any nearby enemies.
- Implemented a fix for Precision Airstrikes sometimes not hitting near the targeted site, instead hitting the player from behind unexpectedly
- This would occur in rare situations where a player is positioned considerably higher above the target when launching the strike.
- Added a danger UI notification if the player calling in a Cluster Strike or Precision Airstrike is too close to the targeted site.
- Precision Airstrikes will continue to shoot through glass, balconies and wall-bang penetrable buildings.
“In the absence of any recent changes to the Precision Airstrike behavior, we’ve still seen an uptick in Player sentiment and discussion around Precision Airstrikes lately. As such our engineering team have completed a detailed review of the system to make sure it is working as intended and as a result have made some changes to further improve and optimize the system.”
- C4 Ground Loot Appearance
- Unlooted C4 will now sit horizontally
“We felt that C4 and ground loot Perks were too similar in appearance and presentation, so we’ve updated C4 to make it more distinguishable visually when compared to a vertically standing ground loot Perk satchel.”
- Gas Mask Auto / Manual Equip Setting
- Added functionality to the Quick Inventory Menu to allow the user to toggle the Gas Mask on/off.
- Note: This option is only available if the user opts into the manual Gas Mask toggle in the Settings Menu.
- Added functionality to the Quick Inventory Menu to allow the user to toggle the Gas Mask on/off.
“We have made many targeted Quality of Life improvements to the auto Gas Mask behavior over the course of this year, and with it being in a much better place for all of our Players – now is the time to take the next step to give Players more agency and control over their experience with a Manual Equip setting.”
- Buy Station Updates
- The new Supply Box UAV Killstreak has been added to the Buy Station inventory.
- The Buy Station inventory will now scroll in order to display all available options.
- Loadout Drop Markers remain at the bottom of the list for ease of access because we know how important muscle memory is…
- Loadout Crate UI Selection In-Season
Speaking of knowing how important muscle memory is…- Added a setting that allows the Loadout interface to remember the last Loadout that was selected.
“During Season Four we made a change to optimize the Loadout interface so that the cursor selection starts at the top of the list. Whilst we heard positive feedback on this change, we also heard feedback from others that this was less optimized for their playstyle. Enjoy!”
- Plane Respawn FunctionalityBattle Royale Modes | In-Season
- Planes will no longer respawn once they have been destroyed.
- This change does not apply to “respawn” Modes, i.g. Plunder.
Perk updates
- Fire Damage no longer decreased.
- Explosive Damage no longer decreased.
- Players must now be tac sprinting for Serpentine to be effective
- This change will arrive later this season
“Serpentine continues to be a top-3 pick in the blue Perk category after Season Four Reloaded’s update. As a result, we’re removing the bonus protection to Fire and Explosive Damage. This should also restore the value to E.O.D that Serpentine had cannibalized.
Later in the season we’ll be making an additional change that causes Serpentine to only be in effect while Tactical Sprinting, instead of regular sprint.”
Battle Hardened
- Stun and Flash resistance increased to 80 percent, up from 50 percent and 70 percent, respectively.
“We felt we could bring more value to Battle Hardened, especially as it is now present as a lootable ground Perk, with our target for the effects of Stun and Flash to be mitigated to less than a second with the Perk equipped. Some Players may wonder why this change is happening now, to which our reply is that there may be a surprise in-store during Season Five that warrants this change.”
“Season Five is all about widening options even further by addressing the top performers to be more in-line, along with lifting up both individual Weapons and classes of Weapons that are under-utilized.”
- Vanguard Marksman Rifles now have Assault Rifle Ammunition
“We’ve made a large amount of changes to these Weapons and expect to make some more following Season Five launch so that these Weapons are viable, but we don’t see a repeat of the DMR 14 (BOCW) meta.”
- Variable Scopes (3-6 & 4-8) have been adjusted significantly
“They now have a glint on them, reduced recoil control, and adjusted ADS time. This will have a significant impact on the long-range playstyle, enabling wider options and not total domination from Vanguard Assault rifles.”
- Aggressive and Heavy sniper rifles will see a large reduction
“Snipers are in a good spot, but we’re not done with them yet. Combined with the above, we are expecting many viable options and variability in long-range engagements.”
- EX1(VG) balancing
“In Call of Duty: Warzone we’ve made some substantial differences to the EX1(VG) to better accommodate BR gameplay vs Vanguard multiplayer gameplay. The EX1(VG) has limited ammunition, increased recoil and substantially lower bullet velocity.”
New weapons
- EX1: Assault Rifle (VG)
- A prototype energy rifle effective at long range and highly customizable.
- Available at Battle Pass Tier 15
- RA 225: Submachine Gun (VG)
- This SMG has a high fire rate and a very mobile compact frame.
- Available at Battle Pass Tier 31
Weapon adjustments
» Assault Rifles «
AS44 (VG)
- Max Damage decreased to 22, down from 24
- Kovalevskaya 615mm
- Damage Range Increased to 30 percent, up from 20 percent
- Vertical Recoil Control increased to 15 percent, up from 12 percent
- ZAC 12B Custom
- Initial Firing Recoil increased to 14 percent, up from 10 percent
- Movement Speed penalty decreased to -3 percent, up from -4 percent
“The unquestioned strength of the AS44 (VG) was encroaching on the sub-machine gun class and less its Assault Rifle brethren. We’re making a modification to the close-range damage profile and compensating with more recoil control, enabling the Weapon to perform as a more reliable Sniper-Support.”
Assault Rifle Charlie (VG)
- 8mm Klauser 40 Round Mags
- Magazine Capacity increased to 50, up from 40
Cooper Carbine (VG)
- Compressed Rounds
- Recoil Control penalty increased to -4.5 percent, down from -3.5 percent
- 22″ Cooper Custom
- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased to 35 percent, down from 50 percent
KG M40 (VG)
- Min Damage decreased to 23, down from 25
- Sprint to Fire Time increased to 1.02, up from 1.0
- Reisdorf 720mm Shrouded
- Muzzle Velocity decreased to 38 percent, down from 45 percent
- Vertical Recoil Control decreased to 24 percent, down from 30 percent
- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased to 17 percent, down from 20 percent
- 6.5mm Sakura 40 Round Mags
- Muzzle Velocity penalty increased to -15 percent, down from -10 percent
- Vertical Recoil Control decreased to 12 percent, down from 14 percent
- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased to 16 percent, down from 20 percent
- 8mm Klauser 60 Round Drums
- Movement Speed Scaler decreased to 0.98, down from 0.985
- ADS Time Penalty increased to -5 percent, up from -2.5 percent
- VDD 22G Padded
- Recoil Control decreased to 12.5 percent, down from 14 percent
“The KG M40 (VG) continued to climb after the last round of adjustments, so we’re making a further reduction of its long-range damage profile combined with some reasonable accuracy adjustments. The result is a Weapon that should exist firmly in the camp of ‘Newcomer friendly’ but other Weapons will be preferable for higher skilled Players.”
Grau 5.56 (MW)
- Max Damage Increased to 29, up from 28
- Max Damage Range increased to 1240, up from 1200
- Neck Damage multiplier increased to 1.15, up from 1.01
Groza (BOCW)
- Min Damage increased to 24, up from 23
Vargo 52 (BOCW)
- ADS Transition In Time decreased to 280ms, down from 300ms
- ADS Transition Out Time decreased to 280ms, down from 300ms
- Spetsnaz 60 Rnd
- ADS Time Penalty Decreased to -10 percent, down from -15 percent
Vargo-S (VG)
- Min Damage increased to 22, up from 20
- Neck Damage Multiplier increased to 1.5, up from 1.3
- Mirzoyan 414mm Custom
- Damage Range Penalty removed
- Sprint to Fire penalty decreased to 1.1, up from 1.15
- Nazaryan 336mm AG
- Recoil Control Penalty decreased to -40 percent, up from -45 percent
- Sprint to Fire penalty removed
- Gabrielyan LW 298mm
- Vertical Recoil Control Penalty decreased to -60 percent, up from -80 percent
- 6.5mm Sakura 45 Round Drums
- Magazine Capacity increased to 50, up from 45
- 8mm Mauser 30 Round Mags
- Magazine Capacity increased to 40, up from 30
- .30-06 38 Round Mags
- Rate of Fire increased by 50 percent
- Mirzoyan Custom SK2
- Movement speed penalty decreased to -2 percent, up from -4 percent
“Season Four Reloaded’s newcomer struggled to find a firm identity in the long-range AR class. We’re making some all-round modifications to smoothen out the experience, while compensating for the slightly below average Torso damage profile with the most generous ‘Critical Box’ of the Vanguard Assault Rifles, with the Neck now matching the Headshot multiplier.”
Assault Rifle Alpha (VG)
- VDD 760mm 05B
- Horizontal Recoil Decreased to 20 percent, down from 30 percent
- Muzzle Velocity decreased to 40 percent, down from 45 percent
- 8mm Kurz 60 Round Drums
- ADS Time Scaler penalty decreased to -10 percent, up from -7 percent
» Light Machine Guns «
UGM-8 (VG)
- Sustained Recoil Slightly Adjusted
Type 11 (VG)
- Sakura 487mm Shrouded
- Rate of Fire Penalty decreased to -11.5 percent, down from -15 percent
- Horizontal Recoil Control increased to 32 percent, up from 30 percent
- 5.6mm 45 Round Mags
- Muzzle Velocity Penalty removed
» Marksman Rifles «
“Vanguard Marksman Rifles have been held back by their restriction of using Sniper Ammunition. In Season Five we’re making large changes to these Weapons to now use Assault Rifle Ammunition instead, along with rebalancing the handling and damage potential of each Weapon in the class.”
- Flinch Decreased on Marksman Rifles by 33 percent
- Vanguard Marksman Rifles now use Assault Rifle Ammunition.
SVT-40 (VG)
- Time to ADS decreased to 400ms, down from 450ms
- ZAC 730mm Precision Barrel
- ADS Time penalty increased to – 8 percent, down from -7 percent
- .303 British 15 Round Mag
- Damage Penalty increased to -10 percent, down from -7 percent
- ADS Time decreased to two percent, down from four percent
- Recoil Control now five percent, down from 32 percent
- 6.5 Sakura 20 Round Mag
- Damage Penalty increased to -17 percent, up from -11 percent
- Rate of Fire Bonus decreased to 30 percent, down from 50 percent
- ADS Time decreased to one percent, down from two percent
- Recoil control now 10 percent, down from 45 percent
M1 Garand (VG)
- Muzzle Velocity increased by 13.4 percent
- .303 British 12 Round Clips
- Magazine Capacity Increased to 16 rounds, up from 12
- Recoil Control decreased to five percent, down from 25 percent
- 6.5 Sakura 20 Round Drum
- Magazine Capacity Increased to 40 rounds, up from 20
- Rate of Fire Bonus decreased to 25 percent, down from 43 percent
- Movement Speed decreased to -4 percent, down from two percent
- Recoil control decreased to 20 percent, down from 31 percent
- .30-06 16 Round Mag
- Magazine Capacity Increased to 30 rounds, up from 16
- .30-06 20 Round Drum
- Magazine Capacity Increased to 40 rounds, up from 20
- Movement Speed penalty increased to -4 percent, up from -2 percent
G-43 (VG)
- Max Damage increased to 35, up from 34
- Min Damage increased to 31, up from 28
- ZP 770mm Precision Barrel
- ADS Time penalty decreased to -2 percent, up from -6 percent
- Fitzherbert 500mm Rapid
- Recoil Recovery now increased by 10 percent
- Wyvern 570mm Full-Auto Barrel
- Vertical Recoil increased to 20 percent, up from two percent
- Horizontal recoil penalty decreased to -10 percent, up from -40 percent
- 8mm Klauser 20 Round Mag
- Magazine Capacity Increased to 40 rounds, up from 20
- ADS Time penalty decreased to -2 percent, down from four percent
M1916 (VG)
- Time to ADS decreased to 310ms, down from 340ms
- ZP Custom Barrel
- Recoil Recovery now increased by 10 percent
- 6.5mm Sakura 20 Round Mag
- Rate of Fire Bonus decreased to five percent, down from 20 percent
Crossbow (MW)
- Lower Torso Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.5, down from 1.8
- Upper Extremities Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.5, down from 1.8
- Lower Extremities Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.5, down from 1.8
» Melee «
Combat Shield (VG)
- Movement Speed Scalar decreased to 0.785, down from 0.8
Scythe (BOCW)
- Melee Damage increased to 150, up from 145
- Attack Speed increased by 20 percent
- Attack interrupt time decreased to 450ms, down from 660ms
Dual Kodachis (MW)
- Standing and crouching melee range decreased to 1.7m, down from 2.4m
- Prone melee range decreases to 1.2m, down from 1.7m
- Standing and crouched charged melee lunge increased to 2.4m, up from 1.7m
» Handguns «
Klauser (VG)
- Wyvern 170mm 29L
- Damage Range increased to 40 percent, up from 20 percent
- Horizontal Recoil Control Penalty decreased to -15 percent, up from -25 percent
- Vertical Recoil Control Penalty decreased to -5 percent, up from -10 percent
- Movement Speed Penalty decreased to -2.5 percent, up from -4 percent
- Fitzherbert 200mm BL
- Muzzle Velocity increased to 50 percent, up from 40 percent
- ADS Time Penalty decreased to -6 percent, up from -12 percent
- Movement Speed penalty decreased to -1 percent, down from -1.5 percent
- ADS Movement Speed penalty decreased to -1 percent, down from -2 percent
- .45 ACP 12 Round Mags
- Magazine Capacity Increased to 16, up from 12
- Rate of Fire Penalty decreased to -4 percent, down from -10 percent
» Sniper Rifles «
“Snipers have almost climbed to the ideal healthy usage rate, and for the first time we’re seeing a good spread of different Weapons being used depending on map and situation. With the rebalancing of some of the Vanguard Optics and a further reduction of flinch, we expect this category of Weapons to be in a solid position going forward.”
- Flinch Decreased on Heavy Sniper Rifles by 11 percent
- Flinch Decreased on Light Sniper Rifles by 40 percent
LW3 – Tundra (BOCW)
- Damage Range Increased to 69 meters, up from 61 meters
- Upper Torso Damage Multiplier increased to 1.52, up from 1.1
- Lower Torso Damage Multiplier increased to 1.3, up from 1.05
- Extremities Damage Multiplier increased to 1.0, up from 0.9
- ADS Transition In Time decreased to 430ms, down from 460ms
Type 99 (VG)
- Shiraishi 712mm Sniper
- Neck Damage Multiplier scale increased to 1.62, up from 1.0
- Upper Torso Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.1, down from 1.181
- Sprint to Fire Penalty decreased to -15 percent, up from -18 percent
3-Line Rifle (VG)
- .30-06 20 Round Mags
- Damage Bonus decreased to seven percent, down from 10 percent
- Rate of Fire Penalty decreased to -6.5 percent, up from -10 percent
» Shotguns «
Combat Shotgun (VG)
- Headshot Locational Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.05, down from 1.1
- Neck Locational Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.05, down from 1.1
- 12 Gauge 5 Round Tube
- Locational Damage Multipliers decreased to 2.5 percent, down from five percent
- Sawed-Off
- Damage Range Penalty increased to -25 percent, down from -20 percent
- Bonus Damage decreased to 15 percent, down from 20 percent
» Submachine Guns «
“We’re making some adjustments to widen the Close Range meta even further by making additional changes to the best performers, and giving some much needed attention to some old favorites.”
Armaguerra 43 (VG)
- ADS Movement Speed Scale decreased to 1.32, down from 1.36
- Imerito 550mm 03P
- Vertical Recoil Control decreased to 10 percent, down from 15 percent
- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased to 15 percent, down from 20 percent
- Imerito 180mm Short
- Vertical Recoil Control Penalty increased to -15 percent, up from -10 percent
- Botti 570mm Precisione
- Headshot Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.14, down from 1.2
- Muzzle Velocity decreased to 30 percent, down from 40 percent
- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased to 25 percent, down from 35 percent
- 8mm Kurz 72 Round Mags
- Muzzle Velocity decreased to 10 percent, down from 20 percent
- Damage Range Bonus removed, down from five percent
- 9mm 60 Round Mags
- Movement Speed Penalty increased to -3 percent, down from -1 percent
- ADS Time penalty increased to -8 percent, down from -6 percent
- Imerito TA Skeletal
- Initial Recoil decreased to 10 percent, down from 15 percent
- Sustained Recoil penalty increased to -10 percent, down from -7.5 percent
Marco 5 (VG)
- Max Damage decreased to 32, down from 34
- Mid Damage decreased to 29, down from 30
- Mid Damage Range increased to 20 meters, up from 15 meters
- Imerito 342mm 04P
- Muzzle Velocity decreased to 40 percent, down from 50 percent
- Recoil Control decreased to five percent, down from eight percent
- Perfetto Lesto 355mm
- Vertical Recoil Control penalty increased to -25 percent, down from -21 percent
- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased to -15 percent, down from -12 percent
H4 Blixen (VG)
- Bergström 17″ F3
- Recoil Control Decreased to 30 percent, down from 45 percent
- 7.62 Gorenko 54 Round Mags
- Headshot Multiplier Removed
- Upper Torso Damage Multiplier increased to 1.13, up from 1.0
- Movement Speed Scale Decreased to 0.97, down from 1.02
- ADS Time Scalar Penalty decreased to -4 percent, up from -3 percent
- Magazine Capacity increased to 45, up from 40
- Explosive Flechettes
- Magazine Capacity increased to 50, up from 36
Fennec (MW)
- Neck Damage Multiplier increased to 1.4, up from 1.01
- Leg and Foot Damage Multiplier increased to 1.0, up from 0.9
M1928 (VG)
- Chariot 2.5″
- Rate of Fire decreased to 10 percent, down from 15 percent
- Vertical Recoil Control penalty decreased to -35 percent, up from -50 percent
- Chariot 5.5″
- Min Damage increased to 22, up from 21
- 8mm Kurz 50 Round Drums
- Damage Range decreased to 15 percent, down from 20 percent
- Vertical Recoil Control penalty decreased to -25 percent, up from -30 percent
- 8mm Kurz 100 Round Drums
- Damage Range decreased to 15 percent, down from 20 percent
- Vertical Recoil Control penalty decreased to -25 percent, up from -30 percent
PPSh-41 (VG)
- ZAC 300mm
- Hip Fire Accuracy penalty decreased to -15 percent, up from -20 percent
- Damage Range increased to 25 percent, up from 20 percent
- 8mm Nambu 71 Round Mags
- Damage Penalty Removed
- Damage Range Penalty increased to -25 percent, down from -20 percent
- ZAC Folding
- Recoil Recovery increased by 10 percent
Submachine Gun Bravo (MW)
- Mid Damage increased to 22, up from 20
- Mid Damage Range decreased to 17.8 meters, down from 19.1 meters
- Min Damage increased to 19, up from 18
Striker 45 (MW)
- Neck Damage Multiplier increased to 1.15, up from 1.01
- Upper Torso Damage Multiplier increased to 1.12, up from 1.01
» Muzzles «
MX Silencer
- Recoil Control decreased to three percent, down from four percent
- Muzzle Velocity decreased to 10 percent, down from 12 percent
- Damage Range decreased to 7.5 percent, down from 10 percent
- M1928 Silencer
- Recoil Control decreased to three percent, down from four percent
- Muzzle Velocity decreased to 10 percent, down from 12 percent
- Damage Range decreased to 7.5 percent, down from 10 percent
Mercury Silencer
- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased to four percent, down from five percent
» Scopes «
SVT-40 PU Scope 3-6x
- Sniper Glint has been enabled
- Recoil Control Decreased to one percent, down from five percent
- Flinch Resistance decreased
- Assault Rifles:
- ADS Penalty increased to -10 percent, up from -4 percent
1913 Variable 4-8x
- Sniper Glint has been enabled
- Recoil Control decreased to five percent, down from 10 percent
- Flinch Resistance decreased
- Assault Rifles:
- ADS Penalty increased to -12 percent, up from -8 percent
» Gunperks «
Tight Grip
- Sustained Recoil Control decreased to nine percent, down from 10 percent
Published: Aug 24, 2022 09:09 am