Vantage is now live in Apex Legends, with a big gun strapped to her back and a fuzzy bat at her side. The recon character is made for sniping and scouting, able to easily see enemies and identify vital information about them and their squad from far away.
As is usually the case when a new legend enters the fray, players are quick to form opinions on them. Many also like to turn to the game’s most popular streamers and pros as their own resident experts on how good or bad a character may be.
And the early opinion on Vantage? Well, it depends on who you ask.
TSM’s ImperialHal isn’t alone in his assessment of Vantage as “terrible.” Several other top pros labeled her the “worst” character currently in the game after an hour or two of testing her out in ranked play. It’s easy to see why, too: When it comes to the highest levels of play in the game, most teams don’t want to run more than one recon character on their teams. But the amount of information Vantage can gather on her enemies pales in comparison to Seer, who can similarly tell what type of shield an enemy has but also can reveal enemy positions to their teammates through walls and cancel heals and revives.
The opinion of Vantage as a “bad” character is far from unanimous, however. Many other pros and creators, including 100 Thieves’ own NiceWigg, feel that the character can be very useful in the correct context.
Joining the chorus of players who think that Vantage is a good character is TSM content creator and free agent pro Albralelie, who showed off several situations on his stream today where Vantage’s information and damage buffs can make the game easy for her and her squad. Being able to instantly tell if an opposing team is at a disadvantage in terms of numbers or shields can be an incredibly powerful tool for a well-coordinated squad.
You might not see Vantage take over the competitive scene anytime soon, but chances are good that she can easily hunt you down in ranked or some of the other modes in Apex. All it takes is some good communication and, of course, solid aim.
Published: Aug 9, 2022 04:35 pm