How to play a global composition like the League of Legends pros

Learn the fundamentals before you pick a global composition.

Building a well-rounded composition in League of Legends is important to having clear win conditions. There are various teams you can build with the available champion roster, from early-game assassin compositions to protect-the-carry, wombo combo, or global. 

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Champions with global ultimates are seeing a resurgence in both solo queue and competitive play. Team compositions with these types of champions are referred to as “global comps” and are often popular in pro play since they allow players to make impactful plays around the map.

With more professional players picking up these sort of compositions around the world, more players are attempting to replicate it in solo queue, only to find themselves stranded in a game without a clear win condition. Even if you have access to multiple global ultimates, it doesn’t mean that it will always work out if you don’t communicate and create a game plan with your team.

Here’s everything you need to know about global compositions in League season 11 before you attempt it in-game.

What is a global composition?

A global composition is usually composed of a couple of League champions with various ultimates, which can be cast to impact any part of the map. Over the years, multiple champions have been added to the game with ways to impact the entire map, giving more possibilities to build such a composition.

The game plan and win condition are to reach level six and get access to the global ultimates, before syncing them up to secure advantages over the entire map. For example, a jungle Karthus can finish off the low-health opposing members from anywhere on the map. A top lane Gangplank can provide assistance to chase down enemies or give his team enough time to run away by slowing opponents.

How to play a global composition like the pros 

There are plenty of pros around the world picking various global compositions. A match between LPL’s Rare Atom and FunPlus Phoenix featured a global composition, which included Karthus, Nocturne, and Galio as the three core champions.

FPX built a composition to punish the opposing squishy carries. By having multiple global ultimates, they could easily pick up kills on singled-out champions and take over the game. Their opponents acknowledged their game plan and punished them early everywhere on the map.

In response, FPX kept up in farm and attempted to pick up some objectives. The composition began to thrive in the mid game by using Nocturne’s ultimate to begin an engage, before following up with a Galio ultimate to crowd control opponents who had no vision. While they could’ve picked up more kills if they had waited for Karthus’ ultimate to come back up, they still gained a lead even while being behind on map control and kills.

As the game progressed, FPX used Nocturne to clear waves before activating his ultimate to initiate fights and followed up with Galio and Karthus ultimates. Their opponents stood no chance against such types of initiation where they lacked have vision, faced crowd control from Galio, and took damage from Karthus’ ultimate. 

Following a couple of teamfights like this, RA fell to the 2019 world champions. FPX demonstrated how to use a global composition and maintain composure even after a weak early game. The nature of most types of compositions like this is that they need time before they get online and can take over the game. But with some mental resilience, you can reach the point where the odds of winning teamfights are in your favor.

How to counter a global composition

Every composition in the game has an answer due to the wide array of champions available to combine during the draft. The global composition might look tough to counter at the start, but if you analyze their game plan and with that knowledge draft, itemize, and teamfight accordingly, you can stop them from dominating your game.

If the opposing team drafts a champion with a lot of area-of-effect (AoE) damage such as Karthus, or Gangplank, you need to pick up some AoE heals, shields, or items to counteract that pressure. If the enemies go for a champion such as Twisted Fate, Nocturne, or Pantheon, it means they’re going to roam a lot so you need to pick up the Teleport spell if possible to aid your team when they go to roam.

But most importantly, always communicate with your team and try to keep a track of your enemy’s cooldowns. If they’re missing from lane or vision, warn your teammates about possible incoming ganks.

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Cristian Lupasco
Finance expert by the day, cooking enthusiast by the night. Found a passion for writing about video games last year.