Detailed Analysis on Roccat’s Team and Players

This stat article revolves around various stats and discussion of the players from ROC. I will discuss ROC’s success against top-tier and mid-tier teams. Top-tier consists of FNC, OG, and H2K.

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This stat article revolves around various stats and discussion of the players from ROC. I will discuss ROC’s success against top-tier and mid-tier teams. Top-tier consists of FNC, OG, and H2K. Mid-tier consists of GMB, GIA, EL, ROC, and UOL.

Note: None of my stats include the tiebreaker game.

Blue/Red Side Win Percentages

The first I want to cover are the win and loss percentages for both blue and red side. In the overall split when ROC played on the blue side they won 66.67% of their games and lost 33.33%. When ROC played on the red side they won only 22.22% of their games and lost 77.78%.

Now if I look at just the games ROC had against mid-tier teams then when ROC played on the blue side they won and lost 50% of their games. However, when ROC played on the red side they only won 25% and lost 75%. This doesn’t very good for ROC since UOL is 4th seed and can pick blue side 3 times. Of course, this doesn’t mean ROC is going to lose all if any of their red side starts, but statistically it would be better for UOL to take blue side as often as they can against ROC.

ROC’s Average Stats against Top-Tier Teams

I will start with the average stats against top-tier teams. ROC is on average down 866.33 gold at the 20 minute. By the end of the game ROC on average is behind 200 gold. This is a very good stat to have against the top-tier teams since it means ROC can fight back and keep the game consistently close. These stats also help show ROC’s potential against the top-tier teams. If ROC can have a good showing against top-tier teams then they should theoretically perform better against UOL. Another stat to look at is ROC places an average of 3.0246 wards per minute and kills 0.943 wards per minute against top-tier teams. The average for the top-tier teams is 3.073 wards placed per minute and 0.91 wards kills per minute. If I compare this to ROC then ROC on average places 1.57% less wards and kills 3.62% more wards than the top-tier teams. ROC can keep up with the ward coverage of top-tier teams which is another good sign for their battle against UOL who has lower ward coverage compared to ROC.

The average game length for ROC is 36:35. The average game length for top-tier teams is 36:28. This means ROC’s games against top-tier teams are only 0.33% longer compared to top-tier teams. Now, the first thing to note is the game length is closer to the average due to ROC getting stomped by FNC and H2K once. However, ROC did stomp OG the first time they met in roughly 30 minutes. The other two games ROC won against OG and H2K were under 40 minutes, which are below the split average game length for ROC. You could say ROC performs at a higher level against stronger teams. I’m not fully sure on the reasoning, but one can be ROC preparing mainly for that one team. If this is true then if ROC has the time to prepare for just one opponent we can expect a good showing against UOL.

ROC’s Average Stats against Mid-Tier Teams

Looking at these stats for ROC we can see that ROC will on average stay mostly even with the mid-tier teams going into mid game. However, somewhere between mid and late game ROC lose their foothold and lose the game at an average deficit of -2585.71429 gold. It is strange to see ROC do worse against mid-tier teams compared to top-tier. There are so many reasons that could be the cause of this. One reason can be ROC just not respecting the other team and making a big mistake. An example would be ROC vs EL game 2 where ROC gets aced in a 4v5 situation because they tried to take baron. ROC will maintain an average of 3.147 wards placed per a minute and kill 0.958 wards per a minute. Compared to the average 2.99 wards placed per a minute and 0.878 wards killed per a minute for the mid-tier teams ROC placed 5.25% more wards and kills 9.11% more wards. This may not seem like a big difference, but ROC is a team that will aim to get deep wards as often as they can when they shove lanes in. This may seem like a basic strategy to have, but if you can perfectly utilize your deep wards and pressure then you can snowball the game off of strong shot calling and roams. SKT T1 is a perfect example of a team who has snowballed games just off out pressuring and playing to their deep wards early on (watch SKT T1 vs CJ Entus Game 1 from Week 10). Another key stat to look at is how ROC’s average game length against mid-tier teams is 42:08. The average for the mid-tier teams is 38:39. ROC’s average game length is 9.02% longer compared to the average mid-tier teams. This shows that ROC has difficulty closing out games against relatively same strength teams, but it can also show that ROC can hold on longer against mid-tier teams.

Team Compositions

This is an interesting stat that I decided to keep track of throughout the split for ROC. This covers the type of compositions ROC played, the compositions success, and the enemy’s composition success rate against ROC. The first thing I need to quickly go over is the different compositions. Siege, pick, team fight, and split push are pretty straight forward. Siege is where your team is focused on poke, disengaging the enemy, and towers. Pick is single target CC and damage. Team fight is coordinated AOE and CC. Split push is having a player push a side lane while your other 4 members can siege with disengage. The two that might seem a bit unfamiliar are skirmish and kite. Skirmish is having a team fight composition that can create picks. Kite is having a siege composition that can team fight.

ROC’s Team Compositions and Success

ROC picked the kite comps 8 times and had a 37.50% win rate. ROC likes picking siege type comps since Nukeduck’s main champions contain poke like Azir and Varus along with wave clear like Viktor. Add in Steve’s Maokai pick which allows for a front line to prevent their backline from getting breached. The most common comps ROC faces with their kite comp is a split push comps. Split push comps are typically not as good in team fights and if ROC can set up siege it can force the split push to stop.

ROC’s second most favored comp is skirmish, which was used 4 times and had a 75% win rate. Vander can and has played Nautilus and Thresh who are both good at setting up picks. Include Jankos’s Lee Sin and we have a team comp with pick potential formed. The most common comp ROC faces using a skirmish comp is a pick comp. Skirmish comps include team fighting capability which allows them to overcome just a standard pick comp.

The other 3 comps played by ROC are pick, team fight, and split push. ROC played each of these twice and had a 50% win rate for each of them. Each of these comps faced two different enemy comps so ROC doesn’t favor picking these comps into certain situations. As a note, the main reason we don’t see any siege comps is because most teams want to couple a siege comp with team fighting capability or a split pusher.

ROC’s Success against Enemy Team Comps

ROC has faced a pick comp 5 times and had a 20% win rate. This is not a boasting win rate to have. One possible reason for this is due to ROC’s lanes pushing too far without proper ward coverage or pressure like Steve. Jankos and Vander will also get caught out at times for invading when they shouldn’t be or getting greedy with a ward kill/placement. This opens up the door for the pick comps, especially ones that run Twisted Fate. ROC has also faced a split comp 5 times and had a 60% win rate. ROC has found some good success against the mid-tier teams like GIA who ran Jax or GMB who ran Fizz. The main problem ROC will have against split comps is if the enemy team funnels their top laner a lot of resources. Steve isn’t the strongest top laner and on average is below in creeps compared to his opponent. Factor in ROC’s playstyle of not funneling lots of resources into Steve this can create a big disparity. A good example is to watch ROC vs FNC where Hun played Riven. ROC had no way of stopping them.

The other two comps ROC has faced are kite and skirmish. ROC has faced both of these comps 4 times. ROC has a 75% win rate against kite comps. They have played 4 different comps into kite comps. Kite comps are a style ROC is familiar with and helps them understand the objectives of the enemy team more clearly. Against skirmish comps ROC has a 25% win rate. This is less than stellar. ROC can get caught out as I said before. Skirmish comps incorporate pick potential and still have team fighting capability in case the team has to. ROC has played 4 different comps into skirmish comps so they don’t favor any particular comp into skirmish.

Picks and Bans

ROC’s Picks


The first thing to cover is what champions ROC selects the most. The first champion is Maokai at 44.44%. Maokai is Steve’s best and most selected champion. The second is Gragas. This is a good overall jungle pick to take early on and is Jankos’s second best champion. Alistar, Azir, and Rek’sai are tied at 27.78%. Alistar is a top tier support pick that Vander will gladly play. Azir is one of Nukeduck’s main champions. Rek’sai is Jankos’s best champion. Finally, Lee Sin, Nautilus, Rumble, Sivir, and Varus are at 22.22%. Lee Sin is Jankos’s 3rd best champion, Nautilus allows Vander to engage easily and create plays, Rumble is Steve’s 2nd most picked champion, Sivir is a top tier ADC pick for Mr Rallez, and finally Varus is a top 3 pick for Nukeduck.

 ROC’s Bans


The champion ROC bans the most is Ryze at 38.89%. Next two are Rek’sai and Kalista who are at 33.33%. Next is Gragas who is at 27.78%. Ekko is next at 22.22%. Finally, Fizz and Morgana are banned for 16.67% of the games. The Ekko bans occurred when he was just released. The top 3 bans are top-tier picks. The Fizz bans were similar to Ekko when EU teams started playing him more. Finally, 2 out of 3 of the Morgana bans are for GIA. There isn’t much information to get from ROC’s bans since usually the highest percentage go towards the OP picks and the lower values revolve around target bans.

Bans Against ROC



The top bans against ROC start with Azir, sitting at 55.56%. This is a target ban for Nukeduck who shows a strong proficient play on him. The next is Kalista at 38.89%. She is just an OP pick. The third most banned is Jayce who is banned for 33.33% of ROC’s games. This is another target ban for Nukeduck. The next ban is Ryze at 22.22%. Ryze is another OP pick. The last two bans are Alistar and Varus who are banned for 16.67% of ROC’s games. Varus is another target ban for Nukeduck and Alistar is another OP pick that Vander will grab. Just looking at these bans it’s clear teams are afraid of Nukeduck getting certain champions. It isn’t too surprising since Nukeduck is ROC’s main carry. If I showed the full ban list you would see several champions at 11.11% ban rate, but this isn’t high enough to warrant teams being afraid of those particular champions. Since Jankos has relatively no target bans this allows him to usually play what he wants.



Steve is a mid-tier top laner in the EU LCS. He plays a style that is similar to Dyrus. He will try to play safe for the most part. He usually won’t be carrying the game for you, but he also won’t be messing up the game to the point where he puts your team in a bad situation. Now Steve can get caught out early on in the game since he will play too far up without the necessary map pressure by his team. Like Dyrus Steve will also get less resources compared to a top laner like Huni. Steve seems best acquainted with tank top laners. His most played champions are Maokai and Rumble. His average KDA on Maokai is 7.2475 with a 57.14% win rate. On Rumble he has a 3.7625 KDA and a 25% win rate. The problem with Steve being on Rumble is he won’t get fed enough resources to impact the game and this sometimes allows for the enemy top laner to abuse him hard like Huni’s Riven. Steve is definitely a good Maokai player though and one specific champion no team has banned yet against ROC. With almost half his games in the LCS being on Maokai I would want to see UOL try to test his champion pool. Another thing to note about these two champions is they require a low amount of resources. Maokai can still be useful if he is a bit behind and Rumble just requires magic pen spikes for mid game. While playing Maokai Steve will also be one of the primary engages for ROC. This gives him responsibility on knowing when he should take engages. Some people might say that his teammates can just tell him when to engage, but if he sees a clear opportunity that his teammates don’t see he needs to have the confidence to take it.

Looking at Steve’s rankings in the EU LCS he is one of the lower contributors towards wards placed and killed. He has the second highest death percentage for top laners. He has the worst CSD @10 minutes, -7.7. This is worse than Youngbuck who wasn’t dominant in the laning phase at all. Of course, partially the reason why Steve is behind in creeps is due to him getting caught out. Also, ROC will prioritize Mr Rallez over Steve in lane swap scenarios by giving the bounced waves to Mr Rallez and the tower kill to Mr Rallez. However, Steve will fall behind on his own at times and if the enemy team really focuses him this can open a big deficit like how teams use to camp Dyrus to grow a massive lead in the top lane. Steve is essentially in the middle of the pack with gold %, damage %, and KDA, but he has the 3rd highest average kill participation. This helps show that even though Steve won’t be a dominant force in the laning phase he will still contribute to the team given with what he has.



Jankos is a mid-tier jungler in the EU LCS. If we weren’t looking at this split I might say he is a top-tier jungler, but in his current form he is around mid-tier. Jankos will prioritize the mid lane first and foremost in his ganks. Nukeduck is the main carry and he is the main person to get ahead. Jankos will gank in other areas as well, but he won’t find the same success top lane as he does in the mid lane. If Jankos sees nothing open he won’t try to force anything and just farm up. His top champion picks are Gragas, Lee Sin, and Rek’sai. On Gragas he has a 5.362 KDA with a 33.33% win rate. On Lee Sin he has a 3.6425 with a 75% win rate. Finally, on Rek’sai he has a 9.8 KDA and a 40% win rate. These champions are more focused on the early game with Lee Sin being specifically for the early game. Even though Jankos will play Lee Sin I don’t view him as carry jungler like Svenskeren. I would say Jankos plays more passive than aggressive, but he doesn’t just sit back and farm all game either.

Out of all the junglers he is 3rd in CSD@10 minutes. He will sometimes farm too much and not pressure the lanes as hard as he could, which allows for more aggressive type junglers like Svenskeren to push his team farther ahead. A good example is ROC vs SK game 2 to see how Svenskeren completely out pressures Jankos with Ekko. Jankos also gets more jungle due to ROC letting Jankos farm jungle during lane swap scenarios while his team 3-0 pushes towers.

Looking at Jankos’s other rankings he sits at 3rd for wards placed and 1st in wards cleared. He definitely is more involved in the vision game and one thing ROC will continuously like to do is shove their lanes in and get deep wards. Jankos tries to take advantage of teammates’ lane pressure to get vision down. He is 6th in kill participation. This is about average for kill participation. The biggest thing to note is Jankos receives the 2nd most gold out of all the junglers, but is only 5th in damage %. Jankos plays more early game oriented junglers which should mean he is doing more damage to champions so he can abuse these champions’ early game. One nice thing to note is Jankos sits at 7th for death %, which means he usually won’t die randomly throughout the game.



Nukeduck is the main carry of ROC and an upper mid-tier mid laner. His current sets of champions are more oriented towards zone control and poke. His main picks are Azir, Varus, Viktor, and Jayce. With Azir he has a 7.534 KDA and 40% win rate. On Varus he has a 10.625 KDA and a 75% win rate. On Viktor he has an 11.933 KDA and a 66.67% win rate. Finally, on Jayce he has a 5 KDA and 0% win rate. Just looking at these KDA’s you can see that Nukeduck always performs. He gets the most resources on ROC and will use them effectively. Nukeduck isn’t afraid to all in during the laning phase and he will occasionally initiate team fights. His Azir is banned 55.56% of the time, which helps show teams are afraid of Nukeduck being on this champion. His Varus and Jayce are also banned quite often as well. These stats continue to further show other teams’ perspective of Nukeduck’s importance to ROC and his overall capability as a mid laner.

Looking at his rankings Nukeduck is 3rd at CSD@10 minutes. He consistently will either go even or win lane. This is a good stat to have since for he is the main carry of the team and the Meta is mid and top centric. Next, Nukeduck has the highest average kill participation out of all the mid laners. Nukeduck is always participating in the fights and thanks to his more poke oriented champions this helps improve this stat. Nukeduck’s ward control is very low. He is 11th in wards placed and 9th in wards killed. The wards killed per minute ranking isn’t a big deal since the difference between Nukeduck and first place isn’t great, but the difference for wards placed is greater. One reason Nukeduck isn’t focusing on wards as much is due to pooling more of his gold into items so he can deal more damage. Currently Nukeduck is at 6th for both gold % and damage %. This is the stat that warrants him to mid-tier. Even though there are mid laners ahead of him in damage % who receive more gold he should still be able to do top-tier damage. If we look at Faker he is towards the bottom in gold %, but he is 4th in damage %. This shows Faker knows how to get every ounce of damage out of his builds. Finally, Nukeduck is in 7th for death %. Nukeduck is staying safe while dealing a relatively good amount of damage and pressuring his lane. The big problem though with Nukeduck being such a priority on ROC is he becomes a priority for the enemy team. If Nukeduck gets behind Steve is not a top laner who will carry the game and Mr Rallez can step up at times, but isn’t a known carry ADC.


Mr Rallez

Mr Rallez is a mid-tier ADC in the EU LCS. He is safe ADC who can go aggressive when required in team fights. He doesn’t seem to randomly position poorly like Woolite. He won’t feed the enemy team hard. He can be viewed as just a solid ADC that fits the cleanup and consistent damage dealer role. Rallez’s main champions are Kalista, Sivir, and Corki. These champions are viewed as the top 3 ADC picks in the current Meta. On Kalista he has a 7 KDA and 100% win rate. On Sivir he has a 3.8175 KDA and 50% win rate. On Corki he has a 1.25 KDA and 0% win rate. Rallez shows he can play Kalista effectively and Sivir as well. Both his Corki games he had very low impact, which I don’t view as his fault much since he never got a chance to ramp up.

The rankings for Mr Rallez are all mid-tier or lower. He ranks 5th in kill participation. An ADC who has high kill participation is often positioning in a way that prevents him from dying. This stats helps explain how Mr Rallez is 7th in death %. In terms of gold % and damage % he is ranked at 9th. Rallez isn’t the main carry of the team, but he will get priority on lane swap farm usually over Steve. This allows him to be more relevant and with Steve playing more AP top laners this makes ROC want to prioritize their main attack damage. Overall, Mr Rallez will play the champion that is required for the team and he doesn’t seem to have a big difficulty fitting towards the Meta.



Vander is a mid-tier support in the EU LCS. Vander is one of the main initiators for ROC. Vander will occasionally carry games with play making supports like Thresh and Nautilus. Speaking of these two champions, Vander’s most picked champions are Thresh, Nautilus, Alistar, and Janna. On Thresh he has a 9 KDA and 50% win rate. On Nautilus he has a 4.55 KDA and 75% win rate. On Janna he has a 9.67 KDA and a 66.67% win rate. Finally, on Alistar he has a 5.266 KDA and a 40% win rate. Vander doesn’t have horrible KDA’s on his main champions. It shows that he can be proficient in both engage and disengage type support champions. This also benefits ROC since their main team compositions require supports that can create picks and disengage.  

There is one big stat for support players that needs to be covered and that is wards killed and placed per a minute. Vander is 1st in wards killed per a minute and 3rd in wards placed per a minute. Vander will roam when he has the opportunity and will try to either look mid or get deep wards. Another reason is with Nukeduck and Steve not helping out in the ward department as much this puts more emphasis on Vander and Jankos for vision control. Vander is 7th in kill participation and 10th in death percentage. The kill participation is a bit low, but having a low death count as a support player is fantastic since usually support players are the ones that get picked for face checking or getting vision down. Next, Vander is 4th in gold % and 6th in damage %. Vander will get more gold on average to other support players since he is clearing out more wards and boasting the 3rd best KDA. The damage % isn’t really a noteworthy stat for a support to have, but it at least shows he contributes to some level damage wise.


ROC is an interesting mid-tier team since they have beaten OG twice, H2K once, and gave FNC a run for their money once. The only mid-tier team who really contested top-tier teams is GMB, but they aren’t in the playoffs. If ROC can get past UOL then they might be able to show they can take a game or two off FNC. ROC needs to work around Nukeduck in order for them to beat UOL though. UOL has a strong mid laner as well in POE. Both of them play similar champions which will make the choices in mid interesting. The one consistent problem ROC can have though is if UOL focuses Steve. Steve can contribute towards his team, but in lane swap scenarios he is left behind too much and a big deficit in the top lane can adversely affect a game. This also doesn’t bode well with how ROC is weakest against split and pick comps, which usually utilize globals and focus the top lane match up. We also have to include how the Meta focuses more on the top lane. This puts pressure on Jankos to be able to protect Steve while trying to snowball Nukeduck. The one good thing to remember is Vander can help with these problems with roams. No matter what, the ROC vs UOL should be more interesting than the H2K vs GIA match up.

I will work on a detailed analysis of UOL next to help compare towards ROC.


Credits towards lolesports for the VODS to watch ROC, stats, and pictures, lol.esportspedia for quick look at KDA and help with champion picks/bans, Reasony for the table containing team composition general information, and finally oracleselixir for the specific player rankings and to create game length averages for mid-tier and top-tier teams.

If you are interested in the team composition table check out this link:  

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