Mobile Among Us players have been treated to some new features as part of the latest update that launched earlier today.
In addition to some fixes, the game has introduced Discord and Twitch integration from inside the app. Players can now start streaming to Twitch straight from the Among Us mobile app by pairing their accounts in the settings.
InnerSloth has also made it far easier for mobile users to join each other’s lobbies with full integration for Discord. Now you can link your Discord account and share a room code invite by selecting the Discord button in your lobby. This new system makes joining lobbies between PC and mobile seamless, allowing users on both platforms to send and join invites.
One thing to note is that these features will not be available to minors. Only accounts that meet this will be able to engage with both Twitch and Discord from the app.
For Among Us, mobile has been one of the most popular platform’s users are playing the game on. In November of 2020, the game had 500 million active players, with the majority opting to participate on mobile devices. This was not only a record for Among Us but a record for any mobile game, beating out other popular games like Candy Crush and Pokémon Go.
These new features give these players different options to showcase their gameplay and build an audience around the mobile version of Among Us.
Published: May 10, 2021 07:50 pm