Niantic has announced that the Electric-type Legendary beast Raikou, of Pokémon Gold and Silver fame, is August’s Pokémon Go Field Research reward. A new set of Electric-themed Field Research tasks will become available on August 1 at 20:00 UTC.
Niantic has announced that the Electric-type Legendary beast Raikou, of Pokémon Gold and Silver fame, is August’s Pokémon Go Field Research reward. A new set of Electric-themed Field Research tasks will become available on August 1 at 20:00 UTC.
Trainers will be able to begin their progress towards earning a Research Breakthrough and obtaining a Raikou of their own. If you still haven’t earned enough Research stamps to obtained July’s Body Slam Snorlax, your time is running out.
August’s Field Research will focus on Electric-type Pokémon, so expect to see many if not all of July’s Kanto-themed tasks removed from the pool of available tasks. Additionally, Trainers can expect to see more Electric-themed Pokémon as Field Research encounters, in case we weren’t all sick of Pikachu already.
Trainers will have the opportunity to catch the Legendary beast Raikou upon earning seven Field Research stamps. Trainers can earn one stamp per day by completing a Field Research task. You can complete a Research Breakthrough every seven days, so players will be able to catch up to four Raikou in the month of August. Learn more about Field Research in Pokémon Go in our extensive guide.
Published: Jul 27, 2018 9:31 AM UTC