A post by a Reddit user has revealed some new information about Destiny 2’s playerbase and how much it has dropped off since the game launched in September.
A post by a Reddit user has revealed some new information about Destiny 2’s playerbase and how much it has dropped off since the game launched in September.
The user, named “stevetheimpact,” used Bungie’s application programming interface from its web site to find when players last logged into the game. The chart below shows a steady decline in players since launch, with it recently reaching an all-time low at the end of 2017.

According to stevetheimpact, the total player count dropped from around 1.3 million at launch to just over 321,000 at the end of year, which is a drop of 75.37 percent.
The percentages were even higher on each individual platform, too. PlayStation 4 player count dropped from 712,431 to 158,523 for a drop of 77.74 percent, Xbox One dropped from 594,987 to 127,428 for a total of 78.58 percent, and the PC player count dropped from 194,607 at launch on Oct. 24 to 35,892 at the end of the year, which is a drop of a whopping 81.55 percent.
The chart comes with warnings, though, as stevetheimpact says they were not able to account for players returning for the Curse of Osiris DLC in December, but the final endpoint shows the correct player dropoff regardless.
While this information is not official or entirely accurate, the Bungie API does not lie when it comes to data. In 2018, fans of the series will be looking for reasons to boot the game back up again.
Published: Jan 5, 2018 9:41 AM UTC