Many Wordle players try to figure out the best words to start with, as the first try is the only one without any hints.
While there are different surveys done to try to answer this question, the New York Times has its own interpretation, according to its Wordle assistant and information extracted from games played daily on the site.
According to WordleBot, these are the best five-letter words to start Wordle with:
Related: Wordle Game Help: 5-letter words with ‘A’ and E in them
If you’ve already used your first try and only found the correct answer has “SA” in it, here’s a list of five letter words that might help you out.
All words in this list are accepted by Wordle and can be used to give more hints about the correct answer. To have a better chance of hitting the correct word directly try to start by guessing the words that are more common or simple as they have a better chance of being among Wordle’s possible correct answers.
Five-letter words with ‘SA’ to try on Wordle
- ansae
- asana
- assai
- assam
- assay
- balsa
- basal
- basan
- besat
- besaw
- bursa
- casas
- causa
- disas
- dorsa
- essay
- fossa
- hansa
- kesar
- kisan
- ksars
- laksa
- lyssa
- masas
- massa
- mensa
- mesal
- mesas
- missa
- musar
- nasal
- nyssa
- omasa
- paisa
- presa
- psalm
- resat
- resaw
- resay
- roosa
- rusas
- sabal
- sabed
- saber
- sabes
- sabin
- sabir
- sable
- sabot
- sabra
- sabre
- sacks
- sacra
- saddo
- sades
- sadhe
- sadhu
- sadis
- sadly
- sados
- sadza
- safed
- safer
- safes
- sagas
- sager
- sages
- saggy
- sagos
- sagum
- saheb
- sahib
- saice
- saick
- saics
- saids
- saiga
- sails
- saims
- saine
- sains
- saint
- sairs
- saist
- saith
- sajou
- sakai
- saker
- sakes
- sakia
- sakis
- salad
- salal
- salep
- sales
- salet
- salic
- salix
- salle
- sally
- salmi
- salol
- salon
- salop
- salpa
- salps
- salsa
- salse
- salto
- salts
- salty
- salue
- salve
- salvo
- saman
- samas
- samba
- sambo
- samek
- samel
- samen
- sames
- samey
- samfu
- sammy
- sampi
- samps
- sands
- sandy
- saned
- saner
- sanes
- sanga
- sangh
- sango
- sangs
- sanko
- sansa
- santo
- sants
- sapan
- sapid
- sapor
- sappy
- saran
- sards
- sared
- saree
- sarge
- sargo
- sarin
- saris
- sarks
- sarky
- sarod
- saros
- sarus
- saser
- sasin
- sasse
- sassy
- satai
- satay
- sated
- satem
- sates
- satin
- satis
- satyr
- sauba
- sauce
- sauch
- saucy
- saugh
- sauls
- sault
- sauna
- saunt
- saury
- saute
- sauts
- saved
- saver
- saves
- savey
- savin
- savor
- savoy
- savvy
- sawah
- sawed
- sawer
- saxes
- sayed
- sayer
- sayid
- sayne
- sayon
- sayst
- sazes
- sensa
- sessa
- sisal
- tasar
- tosas
- tsade
- tsadi
- tsars
- unsay
- ursae
- usage
- vasal
- visas
- ysame
Published: Feb 12, 2023 11:42 pm