Wordle is a fun and productive game that exercises your brain and helps to expand your vocabulary knowledge in the English language. While it may seem casual, Wordle has the potential to provide numerous benefits to players of all levels.
For starters, playing Wordle regularly can help improve cognitive function and memory retention, as it requires players to recall and manipulate various words and letter combinations. Additionally, the game can help players expand their vocabulary and improve spelling and grammar skills, which can be especially beneficial for those learning English.
Related: How to solve Wordle puzzles: Five-letter words where ‘E’ is the only vowel
If your daily Wordle challenge only revealed the letters “EV” and you don’t know what to guess next, here’s a list that might help. All words in it are valid and even if they are not the correct answer they may give you new hints.
Five-letter words with ‘EV’ to try on Wordle
- bevel
- bever
- bevor
- bevue
- bevvy
- breve
- chevy
- cleve
- deeve
- deevs
- devas
- devel
- devil
- devon
- devot
- eeven
- eevns
- erevs
- evade
- evens
- event
- evert
- every
- evets
- evhoe
- evict
- evils
- evite
- evohe
- evoke
- fever
- ganev
- greve
- hevea
- keeve
- kevel
- kevil
- kieve
- laevo
- levee
- level
- lever
- levin
- levis
- lieve
- meved
- meves
- mieve
- naeve
- naevi
- nevel
- never
- neves
- nevus
- nieve
- parev
- peeve
- preve
- reeve
- revel
- revet
- revie
- revue
- rieve
- seven
- sever
- sheva
- sieve
- yeven
- yeves
Published: Mar 9, 2023 11:11 pm