Making sure your Pals aren’t going insane is vital to having a well-functioning base in Palworld, and there’s no better cure-all remedy than Mind Control Meds.
These wondrous drugs might sound like a scam at first, or perhaps something you’d see in an old Western film, but unlike those bogus remedies, Mind Control Meds are super useful. One dose cures every ailment your Pals have, no matter if they’re Depressed or Weakened. But how do you get them?
How to unlock and craft Mind Control Meds in Palworld
The first way to get Mind Control Meds in Palworld is to craft them using an Electric Medical Bench that unlocks at the level 43 of the tech tree. So, you’ve got quite a grind ahead of you if you’re still in the early or mid-game.
Once you reach level 43, you can craft the Electric Medical Bench using Refined Ingots, Carbon Fiber, and Circuit Boards. You also need a conductor to power the machine using electricity.
Once you can access the Electric Medical Bench, you can create Mind Control Meds by combining many Refined Ingots, Horns, Bones, and Pal Fluids. Be sure to grind a lot of them.
How to buy Mind Control Meds in Palworld
Alternatively, if you have a lot of gold coins in Palworld, you can also go to certain NPC-controlled towns throughout the world, such as Fisherman’s Village south of the volcano or Duneshelter over in the east desert biome.
Here, the red Wandering Merchants usually sell Mind Control Meds for 10,000 coins each. It’s one of the most expensive items you can buy, but it’s worth it if you need it.
Published: Feb 9, 2024 06:10 am