If your URF matches in League of Legends are ruined by splitpushing players taking advantage of your long death-timers in the mid-game, you’re not alone. Fans are offering a solution, however.
In a Reddit discussion, a League player says that one of the fundamental problems with the popular URF game mode is the player’s “death times are too long,” which encourages enemies to prioritize splitpushing champions like Tryndamere and Sion in their drafts.

“By 15 minutes I already got a 50-second death timer so I end up clearing waves and jg,” echoes another player in the thread, who has to follow a rather non-aggressive path to farm and clear jungle camps to avoid teamfight, which goes completely against the fun vibe of the mode. The player shouldn’t have the pressure of a ranked match to not die in URF, as it defeats the point of experimentation.
URF is a fast-paced spin on the traditional Summoner’s Rift matches, where the cooldown is faster than usual, opening up doors for spicy plays. There is also a cannon in the player’s base, which works as a quick way to get back into the action. However, many players are reporting that the death timer becomes incredibly unforgiving to players in the mid-game, and with the help of smaller cooldowns, enemies just focus on winning, which leads to unsatisfying experiences in the match.
Even though the cannons can drastically cut down the time required to travel back to the lane after the death timer, if you don’t spawn in time to stop the splitpush, it’s hardly of any use.
While it might seem that you can counter the same strategy by picking the splitpushing champion in your draft as well, it isn’t that simple. Winning the match isn’t usually the goal of the URF matches, as similar to the ARAM mode, players focus on choosing randomly assigned champions and just have fun learning champions and trying off-meta builds without the pressure.
Riot Games recently removed the First Blood Feats of Strength and replaced it with the first team to reach three kills, as it felt too random in nature, so it is possible that they will also address this issue to ensure that the matches in URF don’t become too tryhardy in nature.
Published: Feb 2, 2025 01:03 pm