With each passing day, League of Legends players are getting tired of the URF game mode and looking out for reasons from the community on why are they still having fun playing it.
In a Reddit thread, League players shared their URF experiences and how they are frustrated with the same old champions with short cooldowns dominating matches. The URF mode’s premise was great on paper: shorter cooldowns in a place where players could experiment with wacky builds to have fun away from the competitive Summoner’s Rift. But now that fun mode is just a shadow of itself.

“URF will never have the magic it did for a few days because people aren’t just trying things anymore and having fun with it anymore,” a player said, highlighting the lost charm of the game mode which originally made it popular among players. They further stated that Riot made the game mode appear too frequently. Instead, they should’ve made it an anniversary mode and only brought it back on special occasions for a limited time to keep the magic alive.
Riot also tried to balance URF to take control of the broken champions who were dominating matches, but that ultimately made players go away from the mode. Being a URF player myself, there is an adrenaline rush after finding a weird build that synergizes with your short ability cooldowns, making it fun to play. Many players like to use Jhin’s movement speed build that gives you an enormous speed advantage over your enemies, making you feel like a weapon of destruction powered by a Porsche engine.
With the constant changes, many builds like this one with Sona and Hecarim have been changed to make matches more fair, but that defeats the point of the URF’s fun versatility as a game mode.
Another fundamental problem with URF is that some players are now playing to win and intentionally choosing champions with strong split-pushing abilities. They don’t play to have fun, and just make it a sweat fest where your match gets over before you spawn again for the teamfight, making it a terrible experience.
Riot experiments with multiple game modes from time to time, and its latest Swarm mode, which was inspired by the classic Vampire Survivors and other bullet heaven games, was a hit. It was fresh and new for the community, and players loved playing the same champions in a completely different genre. Another long-staying game mode was the Twisted Treeline, which also provided a separate way for players to have fun without thinking of the high stakes.
If Riot could retire the current URF and replace it with a less-intense-yet-fun game mode like Swarm or Twisted Treeline, that would definitely make casual players jump back in the title.
Published: Feb 5, 2025 11:25 am