Looks like Azeroth’s veterans haven’t seen the last of Tekahn.
The Dark Pharaoh joins Hearthstone as a Legendary Warlock minion with the game’s upcoming expansion, Saviors of Uldum.
Dark Pharaoh Tekahn is a five mana 4/4 Legendary minion with an incredibly strong Battlecry. Tekahn’s Battlecry causes your Lackeys to be 4/4 for the rest of the game. This is a huge power spike for Lackeys and could help create a new style of Zoo Warlock.
Lackeys are uncollectible minion cards and are generated by other cards. All Lackeys have Battlecries but are usually 1/1 minions. With the right Lackey generating cards, Tekahn could help you create an army of low-cost 4/4 minions. Though we can’t know for sure, it looks like Zoo Warlock could be taking on a new playstyle with Saviors of Uldum. There could also be a new archetype discovered that utilizes Tekahn’s Battlecry and blows everyone’s expectations out of the water.
Find out what Hearthstone has in store for Warlock when Saviors of Uldum goes live on Aug. 6.
Published: Jul 26, 2019 12:24 pm