Knights of the Frozen Throne brought a lot of powerhouse cards for not only Standard decks but also Wild ones. Today we will take a look at some Wild decks you should try out. These are mostly Standard decks with some Wild powerhouse cards thrown in.
Dragon Warrior
Dragon Warrior has been a Tier 1 deck in the past and with the most recent Standard rotation moving out some of its strongest cards out of the Standard meta. This variant of the deck develops on the original and adds staple Wild cards like Loatheb and dr-boom and new Knights of the Frozen Throne dragon Cobalt Scalebane. It is a very solid deck in the current meta with the right balance of the Pirate Warrior package and mid-range dragons with some lategame finishers thrown in. Try to aggressively run down your opponent’s health pool and slam down a Drakonid Crusher or two to close out the game.
The goal of the deck to is aggressively curve out your Pirates and Dragon synergy minions and keep pressuring your opponent. You do not really have much in terms of removal aside your weapons and it is heavily focused on playing minions and dominating on board. Loatheb in this deck is very powerful as it helps you shut down your opponent in specific turns that they might play a signature spell on curve. Deathwing is a very interesting addition in the deck as it helps you combat Jade decks very well by wiping out their whole board and Druid doesn’t really have any means of being able to deal with big minions so you will have complete advantage over your opponent.
Big Priest
Wild Big Priest essentially plays out the same way as its Standard counterpart but you have access to Lightbomb which is one of the strongest counters to a buffed-up Jade Golem board or any board with high attack minions in general. Entomb is another Wild addition to the decklist which allows you to take out big threats and make them your own, the card is particularly good against threats with powerful deathrattles or minions you cannot target with your Shadow Word spells.
When it comes to the big threats, you have access to Ragnaros The Firelord in addition to the Standard suite of minions the deck runs. Ragnaros potentially wipes out an enemy minion every turn or pushes for face damage and is a very high priority threat.
If you are unfamiliar with Big Priest, the goal is to use your removal spells to control the board until you are able to play Barnes or Shadow Essence and then follow up with your Eternal Servitude to resurrect those minions. Big Priest lists have very few high value minions in the deck to pressure opponents and make them unable to keep removing threats every time.
Deck Code:Â AAEBAa0GDPYCpQnTCtYKkg/HF6irAoW4Are7Aui/Auq/AsLOAgnXCvoRtxehrALRwQLlzALmzAK0zgLwzwIA
Mill Rogue
Mill Rogue is a very unique deck as it tries to win by burning your opponent’s cards and taking them to fatigue. With the arrival of Valeera the Hollow, Mill Rogue got boosted in terms of power levels by quite a lot.
Once you play your Rogue Death Knight you can get access to additional milling cards, removals or healing. Shadowblade is another great addition to the deck as it can help you be immune on the turn you play it in. You can combo it with double Coldlight Oracle when both you and your opponent are in fatigue and you’ll be able to push your opponent deeper into fatigue without taking any damage yourself as the weapon will keep you immune in the turn you play it in.
You ideally want to keep removing your opponent’s minions and copy your minions as quickly as possible with Gang Up. Not every matchup requires you to burn your opponent’s cards however, if you face aggressive decks that dump their hands you want to copy your healing cards and taunts instead of Coldlight Oracle as it only gives aggressive decks more resources once they empty their hands by playing out their cheap minions and burn damage.
Deck Code: AAEBAaIHBpsFhRfgrAK5sgKA0wKa4gIMigG0AcQB7QLNA4gH+AeGCf4NgQ71D4ASAA==
What decks have you been playing in Wild? Let us know in the comments below.
Published: Sep 1, 2017 08:37 am