Hey all my name is Vortex. I’m a player for team Fade2Karma and I have been playing competitive Hearthstone since closed beta. Paladin is one of my favorite classes I have used them successfully in tournaments. Not long ago was the Assembly Winter where my Paladin went 11-1. With the introduction of new cards, I feel like the Paladin class has just gotten stronger. Mysterious Challenger is no joke as it confuses your opponents, and sets up a great board for next turn. There are many versions of the Secret Paladin, RDU was one of the players who first popularize it.
Win Conditions
Your main goal is to set up a board so you can get the most value out of your secrets and have a push for lethal. This deck has some insane burst potential and it can also slowly bring your opponent lower as it has a lot of aggro cards. You could play the super-fast version or you can also add in win conditions like Dr. Boom and Tirion Fordring. In most cases, summoning a Mysterious Challenger will win you the game or bring you close to winning.
Why add Tirion Fordring or Dr. Boom in such a fast deck?
Mysterious Challenger doesn’t only bring out the secrets but also mills your own deck, allowing you to draw your more powerful cards like Tirion. In some cases, it will pull off a redemption on Tirion (that’s why you shouldn’t play redemption/noble sacrifice too quickly). Make sure you have a better minion on board to sync well with Redemption.
Core Staples
Mysterious Challenger is a must in your deck. You can decide if you want 2 Consecration or 2 Truesilver Champion depending on the speed of your deck.
SecretkeeperThe reason why this card is not a staple is because you normally don’t want to keep secrets in your hand. We want maximum value out of the Challenger. It’s a neat card that works like the old Undertaker. If you prefer playing it, I suggest you add it to your deck.
The card is just good. 1 mana for 3/2 stats is powerful as you can use it to swing your opponent next turn. Avenge protects your board as he might not want to kill off a minion, which also increases your damage output and synergy with Competitive Spirit.
Competitive spirit
Make sure at least 2 of your minions will survive your opponent’s power turn when you play this card. Think of the best possible turn your opponent is gotta make when you do this. It’s great with Muster for Battle too.
Noble Sacrifice
This card is awesome because you can use it to protect your important drops like knife juggler. It also shoots a knife when you have one. Can also be used as tool to activate avenge onto a minion, but watch out as it also triggers redemption.
This is one of the better secrets if used correctly. Examples of minions you want this onto are: shielded minibot, mad scientist, sludge belcher, piloted shredder, tirion fordring. Be careful and play it at the right time.
This can also be in your deck depending on the version you run and it’s a good way for trading minions. You can deny big taunts when your opponent summons a minion which will only take you 1 weapon swing of muster or one of your weaker minions.
Deck Lists
The first list capitalizes on having board, also good against control decks due to Divine Favor.
The second is bit more on the midrange side that scales well til the end game.
The last one is the most aggressive.Â
Matchups and Mulligan
General Mulligan:
Try to search for these cards: Muster for Battle, Secretkeeper, Shielded Minibot, Knife Juggler, Mysterious Challenger. Don’t keep secrets in hand unless you have secretkeeper.
Hunter (favoured)Â *unless your opponent has flare
- Mulligan for shielded minibot, secretkeeper, knife juggler, mad scientist, muster for battle
- Don’t be afraid to be the aggressor
- Watch out for big unleash the hounds turns
- Trade favourable if possible
Druid (favoured)
- Mulligan for shielded minibot, secretkeeper, knife juggler, mad scientist, truesilver champion
- Druids have problems with big boards so flood it while watching out for swipe
- Be the aggressor
- Don’t be afraid of combo because that will lose you the game
Patron Warrior (unfavoured)
- Mulligan for shielded minibot, secretkeeper, knife juggler, mad scientist, piloted shredder, truesilver champion, mysterious challenger
- Too many whirlwind effects to play around so your best bet is to pray or get an competitive spirit off
- Try to win before turn 8
- Kill armorsmith or you will regret it
Control Warrior (favoured)
- Mulligan for shielded minibot, secretkeeper, knife juggler, mad scientist, piloted shredder, truesilver champion, mysterious challenger
- Use deathrattles and divine shields wisely
- Watch out for brawl
Shaman (Favoured)
- Mulligan for shielded minibot, secretkeeper, knife juggler, mad scientist, muster for battle, mysterious challenger
- Clear totems
- Watch out for lightning storm
- Use deathrattles and divine shields wisely
Zoo Warlock (50-50)
- Mulligan for shielded minibot, secretkeeper, knife juggler, mad scientist, muster for battle, consecration
- Get good trades and keep board
- Use your secrets wisely
- Don’t lose board or you will lose
Rogue (unfavoured)
- Mulligan for shielded minibot, secretkeeper, knife juggler, mad scientist, piloted shredder, mysterious challenger
- Don’t be afraid to trade in minion because Rogue has lots of board clear
- Keep divine shields and deathrattles on board and use less useful minions to clear
- Watch out for blade flurry
Priest (unfavoured)
- Mulligan for shielded minibot, knife juggler, piloted shredder, truesilver champion, mysterious challenger
- Be aggressive
- Keep divine shields and deathrattles on board and use less useful minions to clear
Mage (favoured)
- Mulligan for shielded minibot, secretkeeper, knife juggler, mad scientist, muster for battle, mysterious challenger
- Be aggressive
- Keep divine shields and deathrattles on board and use less useful minions to clear
Paladin (50-50)
- Mulligan for minibot, secretkeeper, knife juggler, mad scientist, muster for battle, mysterious challenger
- Get good trades and keep board
- Use your secrets wisely
- Keep divine shields and deathrattles on board and use less useful minions to clear
If you have a knife juggler in hand, try to use it on turn 5 unless you have to use it. Using redemption with shielded minibot against aggro is amazing. Don’t be afraid to push damage as you can deal upwards to 20 damage a turn.
Final Thoughts
When it appeared on ladder it had strong overall performances and many players have made top 100 with the list. Now that it’s a bit more known and people learned to play a bit better against it. Some hunters even run flares. However, it’s still a strong and solid deck. Playing mysterious challenger on turn 6 is the new turn 7 dr. boom.
Follow me on Twitter (@F2K_Vortex) and Twitch (
Shout outs to my team Fade2Karma (@Fade2Karma)
Published: Sep 3, 2015 10:24 am