Wordle is a game that has many fans around the world. It is common that, while trying to find the right answer, they need a little help.
One of the most important factors for the success of the word game created by Josh Wardle was the engagement players had thanks to the ease of sharing the results of each game on social networks without spoilers.
All players have the same goal each day and must reach it in the same six attempts, but each uses their own words in the process. All this activity generates interest in how other people have done the same activity you are trying to do.
Related: Wordle Game Help: 5-letter words with ‘A’ and E in them
If you’re looking for the right answer but just know it contains the letter “B” somewhere, here’s a word list that might help.
Five-letter words with ‘B’ to try on Wordle
- abaca
- abaci
- aback
- abacs
- abaft
- abaka
- abamp
- aband
- abase
- abash
- abask
- abate
- abaya
- abbas
- abbed
- abbes
- abbey
- abbot
- abcee
- abeam
- abear
- abele
- abets
- abhor
- abide
- abies
- abled
- abler
- ables
- ablet
- ablow
- abmho
- abode
- abohm
- aboil
- aboma
- aboon
- abord
- abore
- abort
- about
- above
- abram
- abray
- abrim
- abrin
- abris
- absey
- absit
- abuna
- abune
- abuse
- abuts
- abuzz
- abyes
- abysm
- abyss
- acerb
- adobe
- adobo
- albas
- albee
- album
- alibi
- amban
- amber
- ambit
- amble
- ambos
- ambry
- ameba
- araba
- arbas
- arbor
- ardeb
- aroba
- baaed
- baals
- babas
- babel
- babes
- babka
- baboo
- babul
- babus
- bacca
- bacco
- baccy
- bacha
- bachs
- backs
- bacon
- baddy
- badge
- badly
- baels
- baffs
- baffy
- bafts
- bagel
- baggy
- baghs
- bagie
- bahts
- bahut
- bails
- bairn
- baith
- baits
- baiza
- baize
- bajan
- bajra
- bajri
- bajus
- baked
- baken
- baker
- bakes
- bakra
- balas
- balds
- baldy
- baled
- baler
- bales
- balks
- balky
- balls
- bally
- balms
- balmy
- baloo
- balsa
- balti
- balun
- balus
- bambi
- banak
- banal
- banco
- bancs
- banda
- bandh
- bands
- bandy
- baned
- banes
- bangs
- bania
- banjo
- banks
- banns
- bants
- bantu
- banty
- bapus
- barbe
- barbs
- barby
- barca
- barde
- bardo
- bards
- bardy
- bared
- barer
- bares
- barfs
- barge
- baric
- barks
- barky
- barms
- barmy
- barns
- barny
- baron
- barps
- barra
- barre
- barro
- barry
- barye
- basal
- basan
- based
- baser
- bases
- basho
- basic
- basil
- basin
- basis
- basks
- bason
- basse
- bassi
- basso
- bassy
- basta
- baste
- basti
- basto
- basts
- batch
- bated
- bates
- bathe
- baths
- batik
- baton
- batta
- batts
- battu
- batty
- bauds
- bauks
- baulk
- baurs
- bavin
- bawds
- bawdy
- bawls
- bawns
- bawrs
- bawty
- bayed
- bayes
- bayle
- bayou
- bayts
- bazar
- bazoo
- beach
- beads
- beady
- beaks
- beaky
- beams
- beamy
- beano
- beans
- beany
- beard
- beare
- bears
- beast
- beath
- beats
- beaty
- beaus
- beaut
- beaux
- bebop
- becap
- becke
- becks
- bedad
- bedel
- bedes
- bedew
- bedim
- bedye
- beech
- beedi
- beefs
- beefy
- beeps
- beers
- beery
- beets
- befit
- befog
- begad
- began
- begar
- begat
- begem
- beget
- begin
- begot
- begum
- begun
- beige
- beigy
- being
- bekah
- belah
- belar
- belay
- belch
- belee
- belga
- belie
- belle
- bells
- belly
- belon
- below
- belts
- bemad
- bemas
- bemix
- bemud
- bench
- bends
- bendy
- benes
- benet
- benis
- benne
- benni
- benny
- bento
- bents
- benty
- bepat
- beray
- beres
- beret
- bergs
- berko
- berks
- berme
- berms
- berob
- berry
- berth
- beryl
- besat
- besaw
- besee
- beses
- beset
- besit
- besom
- besot
- besti
- bests
- betas
- beted
- betel
- betes
- beths
- betid
- beton
- betta
- betty
- bevel
- bever
- bevor
- bevue
- bevvy
- bewet
- bewig
- bezel
- bezes
- bezil
- bhaji
- bhang
- bhels
- bhoot
- bhuna
- bhuts
- biali
- bialy
- bibbs
- bible
- biccy
- bicep
- bices
- biddy
- bided
- bider
- bides
- bidet
- bidis
- bidon
- bield
- biers
- biffo
- biffs
- biffy
- bifid
- bigae
- biggs
- biggy
- bigha
- bight
- bigly
- bigos
- bigot
- bijou
- biked
- biker
- bikes
- bikie
- bilbo
- bilby
- biled
- biles
- bilge
- bilgy
- bilks
- bills
- billy
- bimah
- bimas
- bimbo
- binal
- bindi
- binds
- biner
- bines
- binge
- bingo
- bings
- bingy
- binit
- binks
- bints
- biogs
- biome
- biont
- biota
- biped
- bipod
- birch
- birds
- birks
- birle
- birls
- biros
- birrs
- birse
- birsy
- birth
- bises
- bisks
- bison
- bitch
- biter
- bites
- bitos
- bitou
- bitsy
- bitte
- bitts
- bitty
- bivia
- bivvy
- bizes
- bizzo
- bizzy
- blabs
- black
- blade
- blads
- blady
- blaer
- blaes
- blaff
- blags
- blahs
- blain
- blame
- blams
- bland
- blank
- blare
- blart
- blase
- blash
- blast
- blate
- blats
- blatt
- blaud
- blawn
- blaws
- blays
- blaze
- bleak
- blear
- bleat
- blebs
- bleed
- bleep
- blees
- blend
- blent
- blert
- bless
- blest
- blets
- bleys
- blimp
- blimy
- blind
- bling
- blini
- blink
- blins
- bliny
- blips
- bliss
- blist
- blite
- blitz
- blive
- bloat
- blobs
- block
- blocs
- blogs
- bloke
- blond
- blood
- bloom
- bloop
- blore
- blots
- blown
- blows
- blowy
- blubs
- blude
- bludy
- blued
- bluer
- blues
- bluet
- bluey
- bluff
- bluid
- blume
- blunk
- blunt
- blurb
- blurs
- blurt
- blush
- blype
- boabs
- boaks
- board
- boars
- boart
- boast
- boats
- bobac
- bobak
- bobas
- bobby
- bobol
- bocca
- bocce
- bocci
- boche
- bocks
- boded
- bodes
- bodge
- bodle
- boeps
- boets
- boeuf
- boffo
- boffs
- bogan
- bogey
- boggy
- bogie
- bogle
- bogus
- bohea
- bohos
- boils
- boing
- boink
- boite
- boked
- bokes
- bokos
- bolar
- bolas
- bolds
- boles
- bolix
- bolls
- bolos
- bolts
- bolus
- bomas
- bombe
- bombo
- bombs
- bonce
- bonds
- boned
- boner
- bones
- boney
- bongo
- bongs
- bonie
- bonks
- bonne
- bonny
- bonus
- bonza
- bonze
- boobs
- booby
- boody
- booed
- boofy
- boogy
- boohs
- books
- booky
- bools
- booms
- boomy
- boong
- boons
- boord
- boors
- boose
- boost
- booth
- boots
- booty
- booze
- boozy
- borak
- boral
- boras
- borax
- borde
- bords
- bored
- boree
- borel
- borer
- bores
- borgo
- boric
- borks
- borms
- borna
- borne
- boron
- borts
- borty
- bortz
- bosks
- bosky
- bosom
- boson
- bossy
- bosun
- botas
- botch
- botel
- bothy
- botte
- botts
- botty
- bouge
- bough
- bouks
- boule
- boult
- bound
- bouns
- bourd
- bourg
- bourn
- bouse
- bousy
- bouts
- bovid
- bowat
- bowed
- bowel
- bower
- bowes
- bowet
- bowie
- bowls
- bowne
- bowrs
- bowse
- boxed
- boxen
- boxer
- boxes
- boyar
- boyau
- boyed
- boyfs
- boygs
- boyla
- boyos
- boysy
- bozos
- braai
- brace
- brach
- brack
- bract
- brads
- braes
- brags
- braid
- brail
- brain
- brake
- braks
- braky
- brame
- brand
- brank
- brans
- brant
- brash
- brass
- brast
- brats
- brava
- brave
- bravi
- bravo
- brawl
- brawn
- braws
- braxy
- brays
- braza
- braze
- bread
- break
- bream
- brede
- breds
- breed
- breem
- breer
- brees
- breid
- breis
- breme
- brens
- brent
- brere
- brers
- breve
- brews
- breys
- briar
- bribe
- brick
- bride
- brief
- brier
- bries
- brigs
- briks
- brill
- brims
- brine
- bring
- brink
- brins
- briny
- brios
- brise
- brisk
- briss
- brith
- brits
- britt
- brize
- broad
- broch
- brock
- brods
- brogh
- brogs
- broil
- broke
- brome
- bromo
- bronc
- brond
- brood
- brook
- brool
- broom
- broos
- brose
- brosy
- broth
- brown
- brows
- brugh
- bruin
- bruit
- brule
- brume
- brung
- brunt
- brush
- brusk
- brust
- brute
- bruts
- buats
- buaze
- bubal
- bubas
- bubba
- bubby
- bubus
- buchu
- bucko
- bucks
- bucku
- budas
- buddy
- budge
- budis
- budos
- buffa
- buffe
- buffi
- buffo
- buffs
- buffy
- bufos
- buggy
- bugle
- buhls
- buhrs
- buiks
- build
- built
- buist
- bukes
- bulbs
- bulge
- bulgy
- bulks
- bulky
- bulla
- bulls
- bully
- bulse
- bumbo
- bumfs
- bumph
- bumps
- bumpy
- bunas
- bunce
- bunch
- bunco
- bunde
- bundh
- bunds
- bundt
- bundu
- bundy
- bungs
- bungy
- bunia
- bunje
- bunjy
- bunko
- bunks
- bunns
- bunny
- bunts
- bunty
- bunya
- buoys
- buppy
- buran
- buras
- burbs
- burds
- buret
- burgh
- burgs
- burin
- burka
- burke
- burks
- burls
- burly
- burns
- burnt
- buroo
- burps
- burqa
- burro
- burrs
- burry
- bursa
- burse
- burst
- busby
- bused
- buses
- bushy
- busks
- busky
- bussu
- busti
- busts
- busty
- butch
- buteo
- butes
- butle
- butte
- butts
- butty
- butut
- butyl
- buxom
- buyer
- buzzy
- bwana
- bwazi
- byded
- bydes
- byked
- bykes
- bylaw
- byres
- byrls
- byssi
- bytes
- byway
- cabal
- cabas
- cabby
- caber
- cabin
- cable
- cabob
- caboc
- cabre
- carbo
- carbs
- carby
- carob
- cebid
- ceiba
- celeb
- chibs
- chimb
- chubs
- cibol
- climb
- clomb
- clubs
- coarb
- cobbs
- cobby
- cobia
- coble
- cobra
- cobza
- cohab
- colby
- combe
- combi
- combo
- combs
- comby
- coomb
- corbe
- corby
- courb
- crabs
- cribs
- cromb
- crumb
- cubby
- cubeb
- cubed
- cuber
- cubes
- cubic
- cubit
- curbs
- cyber
- dabba
- darbs
- daube
- daubs
- dauby
- debag
- debar
- debby
- debel
- debes
- debit
- debts
- debud
- debug
- debus
- debut
- debye
- demob
- derby
- dhobi
- dibbs
- diebs
- doabs
- dobby
- dobie
- dobla
- dobra
- dobro
- doobs
- dorba
- dorbs
- doubt
- drabs
- dribs
- droob
- drubs
- dsobo
- dubbo
- dumbo
- dumbs
- dweeb
- ebbed
- ebbet
- ebons
- ebony
- ebook
- elbow
- embar
- embay
- embed
- ember
- embog
- embow
- embox
- embus
- erbia
- exurb
- fable
- feebs
- fiber
- fibre
- fibro
- flabs
- flubs
- flyby
- forbs
- forby
- frabs
- fribs
- fubar
- fubby
- fubsy
- gabby
- gable
- gamba
- gambe
- gambo
- gambs
- garbe
- garbo
- garbs
- gebur
- gerbe
- gibed
- gibel
- giber
- gibes
- gibli
- gibus
- gleba
- glebe
- gleby
- glibs
- globe
- globi
- globs
- globy
- goban
- gobbi
- gobbo
- gobby
- gobos
- gombo
- gooby
- grabs
- grebe
- grubs
- gumbo
- gybed
- gybes
- habit
- hable
- habus
- hamba
- heben
- hebes
- hejab
- herbs
- herby
- hijab
- himbo
- hobby
- hobos
- howbe
- hubby
- iambi
- iambs
- imbar
- imbed
- imbue
- inbye
- inorb
- isbas
- jabot
- jambe
- jambo
- jambs
- jambu
- jebel
- jelab
- jembe
- jibbs
- jibed
- jiber
- jibes
- jobed
- jobes
- jubas
- jubes
- jumbo
- jumby
- kabab
- kabar
- kabob
- kbars
- kebab
- kebar
- kebob
- kembo
- kembs
- kerbs
- kibbe
- kibbi
- kibei
- kibes
- kibla
- kimbo
- kirby
- knobs
- knubs
- koban
- kobos
- kombu
- konbu
- krabs
- krubi
- kybos
- labda
- label
- labia
- labis
- labor
- labra
- lambs
- lamby
- leben
- lesbo
- libel
- liber
- libra
- libri
- limba
- limbi
- limbo
- limbs
- limby
- lobar
- lobby
- lobed
- lobes
- lobos
- lobus
- looby
- lubed
- lubes
- lubra
- mabes
- mamba
- mambo
- mauby
- maybe
- mbira
- mebos
- mobby
- mobes
- mobie
- moble
- nabes
- nabis
- nabks
- nabla
- nabob
- nawab
- nebek
- nebel
- neemb
- nimbi
- nimbs
- niqab
- nobby
- noble
- nobly
- nubby
- nubia
- numbs
- obang
- obeah
- obeli
- obese
- obeys
- obias
- obied
- obiit
- obits
- objet
- oboes
- obole
- oboli
- obols
- omber
- ombre
- ombus
- oobit
- orbed
- orbit
- oribi
- oubit
- outby
- oxbow
- pebas
- pibal
- plebe
- plebs
- plumb
- poboy
- pombe
- probe
- probs
- pubes
- pubic
- pubis
- qibla
- qubit
- rabat
- rabbi
- rabic
- rabid
- rabis
- rebar
- rebbe
- rebec
- rebel
- rebid
- rebit
- rebop
- rebus
- rebut
- rebuy
- redub
- rehab
- rhomb
- rhumb
- ribas
- ribby
- ribes
- robed
- robes
- robin
- roble
- robot
- rubai
- rubby
- rubel
- rubes
- rubin
- ruble
- rubus
- rugby
- rumba
- rumbo
- rybat
- sabal
- sabed
- saber
- sabes
- sabin
- sabir
- sable
- sabot
- sabra
- sabre
- saheb
- sahib
- samba
- sambo
- sauba
- scabs
- scrab
- scrub
- scuba
- sebum
- shlub
- shrub
- sibbs
- sibyl
- simba
- slabs
- slobs
- slubb
- slubs
- slurb
- snabs
- snebs
- snibs
- snobs
- snubs
- sobas
- sober
- sorbo
- sorbs
- squab
- squib
- stabs
- stilb
- stobs
- stubs
- subah
- subas
- subby
- suber
- subha
- swabs
- swobs
- sybbe
- sybil
- syboe
- sybow
- tabby
- taber
- tabes
- tabid
- tabis
- tabla
- table
- taboo
- tabor
- tabun
- tabus
- taube
- thebe
- throb
- thumb
- tibia
- timbo
- tombs
- trabs
- tribe
- tsuba
- tubae
- tubal
- tubar
- tubas
- tubby
- tubed
- tuber
- tubes
- turbo
- umbel
- umber
- umble
- umbos
- umbra
- umbre
- unbag
- unban
- unbar
- unbed
- unbid
- unbox
- upbow
- upbye
- urban
- urbia
- urubu
- verbs
- vibes
- vibex
- vibey
- vocab
- warbs
- warby
- weamb
- webby
- weber
- wembs
- wombs
- womby
- xebec
- yabba
- yabby
- ybore
- yerba
- yobbo
- zabra
- zambo
- zebec
- zebra
- zebub
- zebus
- zibet
- zimbi
- zimbs
- zineb
- zobos
- zobus
- zombi
Published: Nov 16, 2022 12:07 am