Dragon Ball: The Breakers is the latest addition to the long line of games inspired by the hit Shonen anime, Dragon Ball. Unlike many of its processors, Dragon Ball: The Breakers breaks away from the traditional single-player story-driven gameplay of the past and ambitiously has brought an entirely new multiplayer experience to Dragon Ball fans.
In Dragon Ball: The Breakers, players compete in an asymmetric multiplayer match, not unlike similar games such as Dead by Daylight. Whereas one side takes the role of up to seven ordinary citizens, one player acts as the raider, which are styled after famous Dragon Ball villains such as Frieza, Cell, Buu, and others. Placed on the same ‘temporal seam’ the seven citizens must work together to survive the raider’s onslaught, who only grows more powerful by every minute.
As one of the most unique Dragon Ball games ever released, Dragon Ball: The Breakers has sparked interest from fans of the franchise’s countless other iterations. Dragon Ball: The Breakers is also available widely across many different platforms. These are all the platforms Dragon Ball: The Breakers are available on.
What platforms is Dragon Ball: The Breakers on?
Dragon Ball: The Breakers can be played across PC, current-generation, and next-generation consoles, including PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC. On PC, Dragon Ball: The Breakers is available for purchase on Steam and the official Bandai Namco store.
Currently, there is no crossplay for Dragon Ball: The Breakers upon launch or for the foreseeable future, but it is not entirely out of the question for any potential updates. For now, fans will only be able to play Dragon Ball: The Breakers across the currently listed platforms.
Published: Oct 13, 2022 03:27 pm