Apex Legends‘ Season 16 drastically nerfed hip fire for assault rifles, and the competitive Apex community, by and large, thinks that change should be undone. In a thread about small changes that could shake up the meta, fans are widely saying that the R-301 and Flatline need help and that a great way to help would be to make their hip fire great again.
The change has thrust the burst weapons, the Hemlock and Nemesis, into monster category, as the full-auto rifles have become completely outclassed.
“Revert the hipfire nerfs and the damage nerfs on the flatline and 301,” one redditor wrote, adding that “Hemlock and nemesis are much more oppressive than the full auto rifles ever were and are lower skill.”
Another change that most seem to agree with? Putting the Digital Threat on shotguns only to help combat the prevalence of smokes while giving shotguns a distinct place in players’ loadouts. It’s a change that many players tapped into competitive Apex think would bring shotguns back to a little bit of their former glory.
Few suggested specific changes to the legends themselves, but a few players think Ash needs a buff. According to ApexLegendsStatus.com, Ash’s pick rate is a mere 2.5 percent across a wide breadth of ranked matches, with her presence largest in Bronze lobbies. That’s not exactly a ringing endorsement.
While most responses were serious, some were not. Particularly, I thought the buff suggestion for the P2020 was pretty comical. “P2020 with Kraber damage and crypto emp that DDOSes the lobby,” one Redditor facetiously says. Other unserious suggestions included nerfing aim assist completely (will never happen) and buffing Crypto to be able to unlock supply bins (not that useful). All in all, there are mostly useful suggestions. Let’s hope that the full-auto rifles get some love in future patches to give them a place in the meta.
Published: Oct 22, 2023 11:17 am