A total of 14 new champions and three traits have joined the ranks in Teamfight Tactics’ massive mid-set update.
Set Three: Galaxies received extensive changes in Patch 10.12 with tweaks to champs, traits, and items. A few of familiar faces have made a reappearance, but it’s practically a new game.
Void and Valkyrie have said goodbye, while Battlecast, Astro, and Paragon take their place. Vayne, Teemo, and Riven, just to name a few, have also joined the set.
Here’s an origin and champion cheat sheet to get you up to speed with the new TFT mid-set update.
Astro champs have 30 reduced mana cost (3).
Champions: Nautilus (2), Bard (3), Gnar (4), Teemo (4).
All allies heal for 15 percent (2), 40 percent (4), 99 percent (6) of the damage they deal.
Champions: Xayah (1), Rakan (2), Xin Zhao (2), Ashe (3), Lulu (5).
All allies gain 15 percent attack speed every eight (2), 3.5 (4), 1.5 (6), 0.75 (8) seconds.
Champions: Twisted Fate (1), Caitlyn (1), Shen (2), Blitzcrank (2), Ezreal (3), Riven (4), Wukong (4), Thresh (5).
Cybernetic champs with an item gain 35 AD and 350 HP (3), 60 AD and 600 HP (6).
Champions: Fiora (1), Leona (1), Lucian (2), Vayne (3), Vi (3), Irelia (4), Ekko (5).
Dark Star
When an ally dies, Dark Star units gain eight (2), 20 (4), 35 (6), 60 (8) AD and AP.
Champions: Jarvan IV (1), Mordekaiser (2), Shaco (3), Karma (3), Jhin (4), Xerath (5).
At the start of combat, Rebels gain a 150 (3), 210 (6), 330 (9) health shield for eight seconds and 10 percent (3), 12 percent (6), 15 percent (9) increased damage for each adjacent Rebel.
Champions: Malphite (1), Ziggs (1), Zed (2), Yasuo (2), Master Yi (3), Jinx (4), Aurelion Sol (5).
Space Pirate
There’s a 50-percent chance to drop 1g (2) and 25 percent to drop an item (4) whenever a Space Pirate lands a killing blow.
Champions: Graves (1), Darius (2), Jayce (3), Gangplank (5).
Star Guardian
Whenever a Star Guardian casts, it distributes 30 (3), 50 (6), 70 (9) mana among all other Star Guardians.
Champions: Poppy (1), Zoe (1), Ahri (2), Neeko (3), Syndra (3), Soraka (4), Janna (5).
Thirty percent (3), 55 percent (6), 100 percent (9) chance on hit for Blademasters to attack two extra times.
Champions: Fiora (1), Xayah (1), Yasuo (2), Shen (2), Master Yi (3), Riven (4), Irelia (4)
Every fourth Blaster attack fires three (2), six (4) additional attacks that deal double damage.
Champions: Graves (1), Lucian (2), Kog’Maw (2), Ezreal (3), Jinx (4).
Brawlers gain +300 (2), +550 (4) health.
Champions: Illaoi (1), Malphite (1), Blitzcrank (2), Vi (3), Gnar (4).
Demolitionists’ spells stun targets they hit for 1.5 seconds (2).
Champions: Ziggs (1), Rumble (3), Gangplank (5).
Infiltrators gain 40 percent (2), 70 percent (4) 120 percent (6) attack speed for the first six seconds of combat (2). It’s refreshed after a takedown.
Champions: Nocturne (1), Zed (2), Shaco (3), Fizz (4), Ekko (5)
This grants 40 (2), 105 (4) additional magic resist for your team.
Champions: Karma (3), Cassiopeia (3), Bard (3), Soraka (4), Lulu (5).
Ally Star Guardian basic attacks are converted to true damage. All other ally basic attacks are converted to magic damage (1).
Champions: Janna (5)
Protectors gain a shield for 30 percent (2), +40 percent (4), +60 percent (6) of their max health for four seconds whenever they cast.
Champions: Jarvan IV (1), Rakan (2), Xin Zhao (2), Neeko (3), Urgot (5)
Snipers deal 12 percent (2), 20 percent (4) increased damage (2) for each hex of distance between themselves and their target.
Champions: Caitlyn (1), Vayne (3), Ashe (3), Jhin (4), Teemo (4).
All allies gain +20 percent (2), +45 percent (4), +80 percent (6) increased spell power.
Champions: Twitsted Fate (1), Zoe (1), Ahri (2), Annie (2), Syndra (3), Viktor (4), Xerath (5).
Starships gain 40 mana each second and maneuver around the battlefield but can’t basic attack (1).
Champions: Aurelion Sol (5).
Vanguards gain 125 (2), 300 (4), 750 (6) armor.
Champions: Leona (10, Poppy (1), Nautlius (2), Mordekaiser (2), Jayce (3), Wukong (4).
Published: Jun 10, 2020 09:05 am