Last week I wrote an article in an attempt to answer the common question;
“What Role Should I Main To Climb?”
Well this time I’m back to look deeper into soloqueue statistics! Some of you asked to see more stats looking into individual Champions rather than roles, so this is what I’ll be showing you today.
Hopefully you guys find this sort of stuff as interesting as I do. Sometimes it’s too easy to see the highest levels of League when choosing the champions you play in ranked without actually taking into consideration that lower tier picks aren’t always going to line up.
I’m going to be sharing the Top20 Champions picked played in each role and giving you their win rates both when ahead, and when behind in their early games. Similar to last time I’ll also include the win rate when the lead is a large one to add some further context.
To make it easier to digest, I’ve separated this article into pages so you can look at the roles you are interested in, or simply scroll through the pages in order. I have also included a page at the end containing some more statistics on the data set as a whole (picks + bans rates overall etc) to show the state of the entire database of games.
So pages 2-6 will contain a role in order:
Top – Jungle – Mid – ADC – Support
For this weeks statistics, I increased the size of the database to get a better picture of the champions people are playing often in games. The database uses 9481 Gold Tier games from Patch 5.18 exclusively. I have excluded games involving AFK’s from the data as they aren’t a true representation of what a game should look like like. Page 7 of this article contains the complete pick+ban numbers for each champion, so if you want to see which champions were banned most you can find it there.
Top Lane – @10minutes
The biggest surprise in the pick rates for me has to be Malphite as the fourth most played top laner while having the 2nd highest win rate of 55.8%. On top of simply being played a lot, Malphite also has the most impressive laning phase statistics from 0-10 out of the most played Top Laners. Having a gold lead in 65% of games while also winning almost half of his games when behind, Malphite is certainly the biggest standout performer in Gold SoloQueue games for me. Not to mention an 80% win rate when the gold lead is 400 or greater, he seems like a good champion to put time into if you’re looking to play Top Lane to progress in Gold Tier.
On the other side of things, it looks to me that Gold Tier Top Laners are really struggling to take advantage of Gnar’s strengths in laning (Range, Poke and Consistent Damage) while also being unable to deal with the weaknesses (Inconsistency from his passive). Being behind at 10 minutes in a large majority of his games is a big problem for Gnar players, and it’s probably a pick I’d stay away from if I wasn’t familiar with the champions.
Top Lane – @20minutes
Moving into the 20 minute mark Malphite continues to impress by holding the highest win conversion from both a lead and a deficit out of all of the most played top laners. If you can get your team’s Malphite rolling in the laning phase, you will stand a good chance of winning the game as not only do you end up with a strong Top Laner, but you also weaken the enemy ADC going into the team fighting stages of the game.
Top – Jungle – Mid – ADC – Support
Jungle – @10minutes
The Jungle role is the area where I feel champion mastery has one of the biggest impacts. This table really shows that the more mechanically intensive champions like Lee Sin and Elise struggle to make their impact on games, while more straightforward kits like Warwick and Skarner tend to excel in comparison.
Jungle – @20minutes
(this table shows the statistics of the Top20 Jungle picks in the data set and is ordered by number of picks. The calculations use the Gold Differences 20 minutes into the game)
By the 20 minute Mark, Warwick’s statistics are still fairly impressive. Combining the highest Gold Lead > Win conversion rate with the highest Gold Deficit > Win rate he ends up with easily the highest win rate. More games being played on him may change things, but Warwick players are definitely seeing some success in picking him up for Gold Tier games.
Top – Jungle – Mid – ADC – Support
Mid Lane – @10minutes
With Malphite being played heavily, it shouldn’t be a surprise that Yasuo is the most popular mid laner for Gold Tier right now. With Patch 5.18 came buffs to Veigar and with some help from a few clips of Froggen 100-zeroing people on the fountain, it’s not surprising to see him become popular. Although players are going past the 10 minute mark behind in the majority of games, winning more than half of the games when behind really shows that the free AP from Assists is really pushing him over the edge.
Mid Lane – @20minutes
The mid lane stats overall show that these vulnerable melee mid lane picks are all sitting on losing records. Part of this may come from the overall difficult nature of these champions to play both mechanically and strategically, but some may just come down to how easy it is to gank them and set them behind. The difficult assassin champions are winning almost half of their games, but we still see some safer Mages thriving against them. Annie and Veigar are sitting on top of the win rates, while Ahri looks to be the perfect middle ground as she is able to satisfy the average Gold player’s need for blood while also supplying them with the tools to get a gold lead in 62% of games.
Top – Jungle – Mid – ADC – Support
AD Carry – @10minutes
(this table shows the statistics of the Top20 AD Carry picks in the data set and is ordered by number of picks. The calculations use the Gold Differences 10 minutes into the game)
Yet again we see the similar theme as Gold players flock to the flashier picks like Vayne. Despite her rough laning phase, Vayne’s win rate from a Gold deficit is decent and she’s also one of the higher win rates when winning the lane. Another noticeable trend is the value of more utility based carries, such as Ashe and Sivir as they sit near the top of the win rates. Even with an average deficit in the first 10 minutes of the game, Sivir is able to win the majority of her games and still converts a respectable amount of gold deficits into wins.
Back in Patch 5.16, the introduction of Mordekaiser to the bot lane really shook things up and with a 57.8% win rate, it’s clear that Gold players have yet to come work out how to best deal with him.
AD Carry – @20minutes
Even with the removal of her old bonus gold passive, Ashe remains able to come out of the laning phase with a gold lead in more than 60% of games and converts almost 73% of those into wins. Perhaps the strength of her ultimate as a form of engage let’s players punish the less positionally aware player in this bracket.
Top – Jungle – Mid – ADC – Support
Support – @10minutes
With the highest win rates belonging to Blitzcrank and Nautilus, many have clearly found success in punishing less positionally aware bot lanes and are able to snowball this into an advantage. Morgana sits as the Support most likely to be ahead but this may come down to the strong synergy between the Spellthief’s Edge and Tormented Soil giving her a more efficient use of her gold generation item.
Support – @20minutes
(this table shows the statistics of the Top20 Support picks in the data set and is ordered by number of picks. The calculations use the Gold Differences 20 minutes into the game)
Support may be the hardest role to pull meaningful conclusions from their gold levels. As with my previous analysis, the gold levels of supports is largely influenced by their team’s performance overall. Gold levels overall past 10-15 minutes are too fuzzy for supports to take any hard conclusions from, but the overall win rates are still relevant data in my opinion.
Top – Jungle – Mid – ADC – Support
Bonus Page – Overall Pick / Ban Rates on Patch5.18
Published: Oct 3, 2015 11:28 am